I need more infomation about this "copyright claim"
Zoniverse wrote:
I need more infomation about this "copyright claim"

Intellectual Property didn't belong to the hub owner? Pretty much all the info one needs...
You really don't, since you're not a party involved in the claim. I will say that the claim touched on two different games, and based on my experience with the company involved I have complete confidence that it was legit.

I know there are people clinging to the idea that the claim was made under false pretenses, but it wasn't. It was real, I acted on it per BYOND's responsibility in this area, and my hands are tied as to where it goes from here. The games taken down can either divest themselves of infringing content and contact the complainant to request a retraction under those conditions (most companies are quite reasonable about that), or they can counter-claim if they honestly believe the complaint was invalid, or they can leave it alone.

The other game in the complaint, BTW, is taking the divestment route. One of the developers told me they've made changes and they're now trying to initiate contact to get their game restored.
In response to Lummox JR
Have more games of the same type, naruto, dragon ball, bleach, and more that the Intellectual Property didn't belong to the hub owner.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:

Isn't it sort of dangerous to just let them reupload the game on a different hub then? It makes the idea of divestment a bit silly, and maybe unnecessary, to fangame developers if they can get away with spending a few minutes to repost their game, without consequence, despite the DMCA notice to BYOND.
Tens of DU wrote:
That hub is set to private no one is supposed to know about it. We are using it to relay server data to our actual website.

That's not how c&d orders work guy. If you keep trying to move it and the IP holder finds out you're dodging their c&d, you're looking at a lawsuit of lots of money.

You're being dumb.
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
Tens of DU wrote:
That hub is set to private no one is supposed to know about it. We are using it to relay server data to our actual website.

That's not how c&d orders work guy. If you keep trying to move it and the IP holder finds out you're dodging their c&d, you're looking at a lawsuit of lots of money.

You're being dumb.

Unless the C&D direct Tens to cease all development and hosting, he's in the clear to continue to develop and host. However, he's putting Lummox in the position of appearing to be harboring content known already to be in violation of a standing order to C&D.

Tens. I'm not a lawyer. Nor am I (or could I) speak to you on BYOND's behalf. The more you talk, the more fucked you are going to be. Delete every post you've made with regard to the C&D, especially the last one. You are being straight fucktarded RN, and even talking about it without a lawyer reviewing everything you say is straight dumb as hell.
"Sheckles" .>.
In response to King zelda
I believe you mean shekels
rofl fuck DU , sike I miss that game =( i bet BYOND's just pulling a prank rofl
excuse my foul language
what shall byond do without its best game... Byonds on threat level red?
when i type like that, it means i had a seizure and got excited
Your parents are failing you as your guardian... They need to monitor their child. JC take the wheel.