Simply put, can a datum's proc call Topic(href, href_list).
I'm having an issue where a proc opens a html document for a user via browse, but the links do not call Topic (the first things I have Topic do it world << "Worked", but it never outputs this).
Yes, it was most unhelpful. I also already have src=\ref[src]. I added the ..() to client/Topic() although I did not override it originally, but no change.
Can you show as much of the involved code as you can? Does the example in the DM Reference work for you?
mob/verb/test() |
Yes the example works.
client/verb/help() |
When you have a particular datum D and you want its Topic() to be called, you have to specify "src=\ref[D]" in the link. Otherwise, only client/Topic() will be called.
Also, calling the datum's Topic() is a default behavior of client/Topic(), so make sure to call ..() in client/Topic() if you want any datum/Topic() procs to be called, if you're overriding client/Topic() at all.