- Started putting together the visual elements of the user interface. Everything has been completely revamped.
This includes a new HUD / meter , new menu lay outs and a few more things to make the game easier to digest. The old menu was a bit clunky, this one is more stream lined. - Added auto regen to the game. You gain stamina quickly, and only regain chakra when you are forming hand seals.
- Ninpo slots have been removed from the game, now you can access any ninpo you've learned by simply using the hand seals, each ninpo has unique sets of hand seals. This means you can truly unleash any skill you've learned at will during combat (provided you've memorized the seal sequence).
- Sealing has been altered slightly, Press Q once to start sealing/gathering chakra. While in this state, pressing the WASD keys will double as forming hand seals. Press Q again to release the seal, and cast a ninpo based on the seals. Pressing F during this time will cancel the inputs you've placed in already.

More later, also some of the art in the image are place holders.
Recently started up a discord channel for the game, you can visit it by checking out the link.