(kill the obfuscation)
sample 3d engines & sourcecodes
which cites: Beginner guide
Practical guide
Thin Matrix hosted a video series about 3d Game Development in Java
The game itself was bleak. This sh*t could remaster the digital aspects like an absolute killer.
Game Maker (
Sample scroll through
Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Java Compiler
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import java.lang.Math; // headers MUST be above the first class
// one class needs to have a main() method
public class HelloWorld
// arguments are passed using the text field below this editor
public static void main(String[] args)
OtherClass myObject = new OtherClass("Hello World!");
// you can add other public classes to this editor in any order
public class OtherClass
private String message;
private boolean answer = false;
public OtherClass(String input)
message = "Why, " + input + " Isn't this something?";
public String toString()
return message;
The aim is to remaster Hazordhu in Java