icon_state = "[!(x & 1)],[!(y & 1)]"

That was using

icon_state = "[1 - (x & 1)],[1 - (y & 1)]"
How are the icon_states set up?
The grass I'm using is a no name icon_state, icon size of 64x64, there are other icons in the icon with names though.
You should be using a 32x32 icon and copy/pasting each of the four corners of your 64x64 icon into a named icon_state: "0,0", "0,1", "1,0", "1,1"
lol my bad, I thought it like autosliced it or something like that. I've seen it done before.
In response to Fat Albert
Fat Albert wrote:
lol my bad, I thought it like autosliced it or something like that. I've seen it done before.

That behavior is part of TILED_ICON_MAP format. That got deprecated in 2009.
 New()                       //overrides its New() proc
icon_state = pick("<color1>","<color2>")

Icon_state = "[x1], [y2]"
//And that supposedly procedurally works?

Is that correct, broken down into 32 by 32 tiles??
Fat Albert wrote:
So, my artist changed a 32x32 turf icon into a 64x64 icon and now my map is all wonky. The map has many irregular shapes and diagonals making it a pain in the butt to manually add this 64x64 grass. I was hoping to find some sort of variable to where the turf could have knowledge of its dimension and not overlap itself every 32 px but every 64. Can anyone think of a good shortcut to solve this tedious and probably inevitable task.

You'd need a library, to mark all your turfs yet add some behaviors that trim certain surrounding areas. For instance, all grass is flat, all walls are protruding, tall walls are protruding higher than usual so!

Tall walls are naturally layered above the grass as walls are sort of objects. Unless, ofcourse you want to trim certain tiles which overlap where they shoud not.

(Just basically)
Please ammend this concept for us to see. Layers remastered. For pixel resolute and other projects.
Checkforoverlappingtiles () {
stepdown {
If that returns true. Trim (Turf x)
//maybe even northeast,northwest etcetera...
Trim () {
If direction (list (north,south,east,west))
Cut (icon.x (xl ||xy)
New ()
.. ()
Checkforoverlappingtiles ()

The iconner changed the tiles to 64x64. Why does your grass have to be 64x64?

Like an orcha getting cut on corral.
Or a tree blowing in the wind lol
In response to Delta0Zero2
Delta0Zero2 wrote:
> Icon_state = "[x1], [y2]"
> //And that supposedly procedurally works?

Is that correct, broken down into 32 by 32 tiles??
Fat Albert wrote:
So, my artist changed a 32x32 turf icon into a 64x64 icon and now my map is all wonky. The map has many irregular shapes and diagonals making it a pain in the butt to manually add this 64x64 grass. I was hoping to find some sort of variable to where the turf could have knowledge of its dimension and not overlap itself every 32 px but every 64. Can anyone think of a good shortcut to solve this tedious and probably inevitable task.

You'd need a library, to mark all your turfs yet add some behaviors that trim certain surrounding areas. For instance, all grass is flat, all walls are protruding, tall walls are protruding higher than usual so!

Tall walls are naturally layered above the grass as walls are sort of objects. Unless, ofcourse you want to trim certain tiles which overlap where they shoud not.

(Just basically)
Please ammend this concept for us to see. Layers remastered. For pixel resolute and other projects.
> Checkforoverlappingtiles () {
> turf.x
> stepleft
> stepright
> stepup
> stepdown {
> If that returns true. Trim (Turf x)
> }
> //maybe even northeast,northwest etcetera...
> }
> Trim () {
> If direction (list (north,south,east,west))
> Cut (icon.x (xl ||xy)
> }
> Turf/map
> New ()
> .. ()
> Checkforoverlappingtiles ()

The iconner changed the tiles to 64x64. Why does your grass have to be 64x64?

Yeah. I was able to fix the problem thanks guys.
Adjacent Nodes Now just wait a minute. Tis is what I was talking about, there must be something to it.
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