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Status: Open

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A list of default files to browse_rsc to all connecting users at once.

One of the biggest issues with browse_rsc() is that its piecemeal. The user almost always already has the actual files, they are just in the local rsc store and need to be moved out to the cache directory. But despite this. You can't send a list of files and have them all get loaded at once, it always waits for the confirmation that one has loaded before telling the client about the next.

The other big issue is that you tend to have a list of browser assets the client needs to see the splash or lobby or whatever welcome screen, but they aren't loaded at the loading resources step. Take the first and this can lead to a ugly delay during the loading of initial interfaces. (not to mention the loading of any other interfaces that have to browse_rsc before browse())

So a way to specify a list of browser assets to browse_rsc() during the loading resource step would be super nice.

If you could also make browse_rsc batch, that would be super helpful. (just send an array of things to browse_rsc, and the client sends an array of things it did, and things it needs sent. do this for any continuous chunk of browse_rsc items in the browse() queue)