
I have a dream! That n00bs, oldbies, gurus, programmers, iconers, mappers, and players will all get together, and stop complaining about rips!

I have a dream! That n00bs will stop ripping games and start creating their own original games!
That wont happen
Pixel artists, not iconners.
Martin Luther King Jr said it, not me.
MLKJ phails, because that won't even happen in an alternate universe.
I told him not to post it, but we agreed that if he preached his real "I have a dream speech" to me, I would let him do another one here. It was so motivational.
no i hate noobz u fag btw wan b gm in my gam i ned hosts nd gmz
...why are you calling me a fag? I think you are confused.
Amen, but not kind of cool posting a picture of him though >_> could of done a picture of you and edit it then it would be funnier. Also nice site(style sheet)