
Yo! The title is true, I really came from a parallel universe, there the Byond software are great. The first thing that I love is the possibility of create a custom .exe file that automatic install byond on the pc of the player and favorite my game, besides pre-download the resource file to turn the process of enter in the downloaded game semi instantanium.

My game have a lots of buttons, so when the player log in a smartphone (Android and iOS) he play some mini games to win prizes when came back to the pc version. A lot of developers did a good job with multi plataform games, my case is special.

Whats motivated me develope games is when I clicked "New Environment" from the first time already have some things made, like heath count, movement speed, friendly free use icons, death check and more, but my favorite feature is when I press F1 I can easily insert in my game some cool libraries like zoom, trade, light, on-screen chat box, etc. The map creator is amazing, nothing like RPG Maker, but with it is possible keep the map beautiful and easy to do changes using inteligent layers and autotiles, system already present when we download.

Ever month the owner, Xummol JR, a trully good person, do contests, championships, events, and more, but only original games can participates. The prices are usually is in real money for the first place, but the others earn Gems. He is amazing, he created a new coin called Gems, that when you whatch more than 5 seconds of a Ad you can earn a small ammount of Gems, but already help to buy something cheap in your favorite game or help to complete the value to buy something more expensive. He created too a new system of ads, players can announce their game for juste price, telling about new updates and offering bonus or items to who enter thanks to the ad, but some app, other game engines and some companys also often advertise frequently.

If you have some question about the parallel byond I cannot answer you, because I Will not stay here in this universe with this mediocre version of byond.

I like it, although anything more modern would look better than BYOND's current aesthetic.
why would u remove the webclient
Whats motivated me develope games is when I clicked "New Environment" from the first time already have some things made, like heath count, movement speed, friendly free use icons, death check and more, but my favorite feature is when I press F1 I can easily insert in my game some cool libraries like zoom, trade, light, on-screen chat box, etc. The map creator is amazing, nothing like RPG Maker, but with it is possible keep the map beautiful and easy to do changes using inteligent layers and autotiles, system already present when we download.

why would byond do everything for you??? there's plenty of resources already that do those things without them having to be built-into the engine.
Looks really great damn!
why would byond do everything for you??? there's plenty of resources already that do those things without them having to be built-into the engine.

Pretty sure that's the reality where they eat shit. No point in reasoning with doofus YURIAMOS.

(YURIAMOS: I like what you got)

That looks better than the current site layout 10x
That looks better than the current site layout 10x

Really does.
While I have zero desire to mess with the topbar section, I do like that grid layout an awful lot as an idea for the main page.
I was paid to agree with this site layout being better.
Read the text "beyond" the image, then I'll split and create several topics in the feature request.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
While I have zero desire to mess with the topbar section, I do like that grid layout an awful lot as an idea for the main page.

Make BYOND dark again.
Not saying that all his ideas are great or will turn BYOND Software around, however, a lot of people here can learn a few things from him. This is the kind of stuff companies look for in people applying for social media jobs, marketing jobs, etc. Someone who is taking initiative to be creative and innovative.

Just saying~
In response to Dubious Game Studios
I don't mean to hurt your bubble, but that's not entirely true. I don't think we need idea guys; these ideas have been around for ages already.

Unless your ideas are for how to make it feasible for one Lummox to get it all done, what we really need are people willing to do the work that they can do themselves.

I always go on rants in the Discord about how anti-library people are. You need to make and use libraries, not expect the engine to do everything for you; you're really just asking Lummox to make your game instead of relying on users who actually want to help you. We need better awareness of and willingness to use libraries, and that might require a change in attitude from all the people who think libraries reduce your intelligence or some garbage like that.

Mapping can be improved using external tools that anyone can modify or make themselves. See FastDMM and Tiled.

Contests and events have a forum named Contests & Events, accessible to everyone to start contests or announce events. Nothing there requires Lummox to do it personally. All/most of the game jams on BYOND have been run by members of the community, and they've all been pretty great. It's probably time for another one.
In response to Kaiochao
If the ideas have been around for ages, why haven't they been implemented? BYOND Software needs a makeover, if you disagree you're delusional. This isn't the 1990's. I'm willing to bet the die-hard fans would fund this as well.

You've clearly never ran a business and/or worked in a corporate setting.
In response to Dubious Game Studios
I never disagreed with the ideas. Calm down.

Ask yourself why they haven't been implemented. Keep in mind that BYOND Software is only one person, remember how much work has been put into the engine lately, don't underestimate how much work you're asking for.
Unless your ideas are for how to make it feasible for one Lummox to get it all done, what we really need are people willing to do the work that they can do themselves.

Have we tried getting Lummox hooked on Adderall? I mean, I know a couple guys...
In response to Dubious Game Studios
Dubious Game Studios wrote:
a lot of people here can learn a few things from him. This is the kind of stuff companies look for in people applying for social media jobs, marketing jobs, etc. Someone who is taking initiative to be creative and innovative.

Thanks, Many things I have said should be utopian for One (Punch) Man Team, but I strongly believe that they should at least improve the first contact with the engine. Now in 2017 Byond is a living fossil, alive thanks to the love of the platform.

In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
I never disagreed with the ideas. Calm down.

Ask yourself why they haven't been implemented. Keep in mind that BYOND Software is only one person, remember how much work has been put into the engine lately, don't underestimate how much work you're asking for.

I'm fairly calm, you clearly didn't read what I said. Lummox wouldn't have to do everything alone. People have expressed their want to help BYOND, competent people.
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