Shinobi Online

by Kidpaddle45
Shinobi Online
The game you've been waiting for ...
Heyyy guys!! Been awhile I haven't posted here. This doesn't mean that I wasn't working on game. It's just that I post all the updates on the Discord channel! (Which btw is really populated & a fun place to chat) If you aren't in the Discord channel, join! You're missing out on a lot!

With that said, a lot of changes were made and features added to the game! New maps, new skills, NPCs, new interface, fullscreen, AI, dressing room to display items before buying them and a lot more (all detailed in the update log on Discord)

I'll simply post some GIFs/Screenshots on here for those who just randomly check on here once awhile!

If you aren't part of the Discord Channel! JOIN! Click on this little guy here! ;)
you should make the shadow go the opposite way from your character when he's jumping rather than it following your character.
In response to Kevin208
Kevin208 wrote:
you should make the shadow go the opposite way from your character when he's jumping rather than it following your character.

Good point. The thing is, the shadow is an only an illusion. I'm not actually keeping track of what happens with it nor do I want to for the sake of performance.

Having to constantly check the player's pixel_z position and update the shadow size based on that would be the best solution and would look REALLY good, but performance-wise this wouldn't be a very good idea especially if there are many player's shadow constantly updating on server.

For now the solution I came up with is simply delete the shadow when player is in the air and make it appear again when he lands:
Great job!

In response to Kidpaddle45
512 should allow you to fix this issue using visual contents. Gotta wait for it to come out though.
In response to Reformist
A.T.H.K wrote:
Great job!

Thanks!! :D

Reformist wrote:
512 should allow you to fix this issue using visual contents. Gotta wait for it to come out though.

Yeah the new update is definitely gonna help especially for on-screen objects! :3
this will simply be no match for baird's new game,
So is there a release date ?
I don't like giving away release dates. Sometimes I'm on fire and post like 4-5 updates the same day some other times, it's just 1 per week.

Feel free to join the Discord channel! It's getting REALLY populated and it's a lot of fun! You'll see all the updates (I don't post them here) and get to play the game whenever there's a closed testing)
hmm. tempting. I'll think about it.
Project dead ?