With this update, I pass the torch onto Albro1 to provide future updates.
v1889 - 01/30/12
Fake Kill no longer removes Float effect.
A message will now display to a player how long (if timed) they are muted in say.
Removed .vote command.
Reduced the maximum experience gained by each slash of Seele Schneider by 70%.
Tweaked equiping Seele to prevent "stack" equiping multiples.
Improved handling of class-change popup options to prevent getting the popup multiple times at once.
BadTarget tests for attacks (including melee or slashing) will not accept another player's materialization as valid.
Seele slash attacks now respect no pvp zones & have a stamina cost equal to the normal attack.
Lacewing arrows now respect the maximum amount a foe may be "slowed" for leg shots.
Lacewing arrows no longer speed up a foe with arm shots if the foe already has a long delay before their next attack.
Not a bug:
'Shoot' cooldown increases the time left in the cooldown if you attempt to fire during the cooldown. (Intentional.)
Clicking Kidou with chants can be timed to "dual chant" kidou. (Unintentional, but left on purpose.)
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