BYOND Version:511
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Firefox 53.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
DreamDaemon.exe server version 511.1384 crashes on startup.
This happens on both windows and linux with exactly the same behavior.

This seems similar to, the crash is at the same memory address and appears to involve appearances. However the circumstances are different, and I have it much more constrained and easier to reproduce this time.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
  1. Start DreamDaemon.
  2. In about 15 seconds or so it will segfault (30~ seconds on my laptop)
  1. The crash is reproducible 100% of the time within 15 seconds from starting DD.
  2. The crash occurs at the same line of code on the same object every time.
    - The crash seems to be when reading atom.opacity in /atom/New()
  3. I know exactly what changes introduced the crash.

I had noticed that /obj/structure/table/update_icon() proc would cause a ton of appearance churn, and thought a quick and easy way to optimize a bit without having to re-write any logic would be to use a mutable_appearance. I'm fairly sure I did the code correctly, but even if I did not, whatever I did wrong shouldn't cause a SEGFAULT right? =p
Anyway, its interesting that although this is the change, it does not actually crash in this proc. This leads me to believe that it might be a similar situation to the problem in my previous thread: Something this proc does (probably assigning src.appearance = ma?) is corrupting appearances (Possibly due to garbage collecting the old appearance?), and the crash occurs the next time something accesses the corruption.
If you see the recent proc calls list, we see that the previous atom to be initialized before the crashing atom was indeed an /obj/structure/table. So that fits this theory.

Logs and traces
In order to get the most information I have run it in valgrind:
Valgrind & Output log:
Memory map:

Source Code
I am hoping that since it happens more reliably and quickly you'll be able run it in a debugger this time. If you clone everything is set up to go, just compile vorestation.dme and run vorestation.dmb in dreamdaemon.

Note: If this is indeed the same root cause as my earlier post, I'll close this and append to that post. But enough is different I don't want to make assumptions.
Got this on my list to look at tomorrow. It may well be connected to the other issue (in which case it's likely I have a new fix ready) but I'll find out more.
This does look like it's connected to the other issue, so I'm gonna move on from this for now because I think the next release will finally fix it properly.
Okay, I can hold onto this branch and re-test with the next release. This would be very cool to have fixed, I will then be able to go forwards with a bunch of enhancements! Thanks