Finally the v.0.3 is here! And I gotta say that we have alot to talk this time.. This update is huge; biggest one since the beta, and in this topic goign to explain every changes from 0.2 to this one; so let us pull up a chair, as Inutaishos proudly presents...
Rework at RPPs usage and Catch up systems!

The roleplay points usage have been re-thinked and balanced through alot of small updates, but the main deal with it was to make the game overally more balanced so we could have a never-wiping game!
And, it worked out great; Now in this new Azusa, the time flows again, naturally and progressively, and when you create your character you can start as a kid, and keep in mind he will one day die of old ages, letting you play a new generation and continue progressing through the ages;
The catch up ratings on Azusa are now fair, as in every player that (ofc plays constantly) can have his time of glory, being insanelly powerfull, but will infact be someday surpassed. Everyone can be strong once, and everyone will be surpassed once; this thanks to how the global cap are adjusted to the alive/active playerbase.
This have been tested during the last month, and I assegure you the game never been this stable/balanced, as for the first time we have a wipe running straight for 3 month!
This means, we don't plan to ever wipe, as the game flows by itself being easier to get stronger when there are strong people, and each generation may get stronger then the previous, but if they don't, the cap will just lower making it fair and balanced!
Training changes
Everything changed as alot of new concepts were added to the game, but briefly afk trainings methods drains less stamina.
The corruption concept was made to track war-viollence from people, a person with 100% corruption doesnt mean he is evil, just mean that he have seen violence through the war, of course the purest hearted hero can have 100% corruption.
To raise your corruption just Knock out mobs or players with the same or lower corruption then your current, to check a mobs/player corruption use sixth sense.
This is used in many Roleplay decisions, such as Hades can only kill on earth people with 50%+ corruption.
Growth System
As I mentioned before, you can start playing as a kid, but that indeed affects your build/gains.
When you grow from kid to teen, your actual cosmo is multiplied to 1.5x
Then again when you are adult, your actual cosmo is multiplied again to 2x
Keep in mind every race are affected by growth the SAME WAY to keep the game balanced; everyone have the same training time while playing as a kid and this also apply to the decay that happens around year 60.
When you reach year 60, no matter what race you are, your current cosmo is divided by 2; if you are immortal you can just continue training forever from that point, but if you want, everyone can play a next generation after their character reaches year 60.

Wars and Backups
Backup in fights always been in Azusa, but now they are more relevant.
I am talking about Guardians NPCs that are called by strong plaeyrs to aid their god in combat; Guardian NPCs now can be used to take some area to their god, these NPCs will kill! any person following a rival god so avoid dumbly going to a place you shouldn't be ICly, these npcs will kill you!
You can call up to 5 guardians/reapers when you reach level 20.
These npcs now saves in map.
Gods can ask admins to change their wars, for example if God make an alliance with Poseidon, their npcs wont attack eachother nor other players;
And so on;
This was made to give players freedom to actually affect the world more then just train and grind, taking back a city for your friends is an actual thing and your actions now indeed affects the game as it should! Its a war!!
NPCs AI in batttle
Most known bugs to NPCs AI in battle were fixed, have fun reporting new ones!
Fighting Styles and Masters!
This is one of the biggest change during the v0.2.x; Fighting styles helps the fight and builds to be even more dynamic, not to mention it helps the tactic battle system to make better sense.
The fighting styles are:
Combo (makes you act twice in a turn)
Critical (Multiplies your damage)
Counter (Nullfy the enemy's attack and give you the turn to react)
Each player can only pick ONE style to learn; and can raise it up to 40% rate;
You must learn a fighting style from a master, and spar with a proper master with a higher rate then yours; keep in mind a master gains slowlier so for a master to reach the 40% he would need to train multiple disciples;
Keep in mind with a full fighting style mastery you can defeat people way stronger then you!

Fighting Tactics
Now that we have fighting styles, the tactic battle system gets way more dynamic then just training and grinding;
Now depending on your actions and tactics during a battle, you can get bonus at critical/combo/counter chances!
Be smarter then your enemies;
If you hit someone from behind during a fight you get: +3% combo, +5% critical!
If your character is 2x more intelligent then your enemy you get: +10% Counter
Cosmo Explosion Triggers
To give the new players the hype, and to also allow players to get some surprise/action during battles, and some saint seiya references, I decided to make the Cosmo Explosion works with triggers;
Weak players have higher chance to trigger temporary cosmo explosions; and triggering it early actually increases your future chance (giving you some talents) to do it again later on; But once you reach the status req. you will need to anger/battle trigger your cosmo explosion!
So just grinding won't get you the explosion, you will have to get your ass into some real violent fights!
Everyone have a diffrent % chance to trigger their cosmo explosion this reveal temporary a huge amount of hidden power to your character giving him another chance to beat his enemy!

AP changes
To make the battles more tactic driven, we decided to allow people to normally stack only ONE action point per turn, so if you miss a chance to attack, this means you will have at the end one attack less in the combat, giving players that uses strategy a huge advantage toward players that doesnt.
Also this makes armors like fox to make sense, since fox gets double AP while using their skill.
Vampire Lord
Now Vampire Lords gets an actual skill that allows them to transform people into vampire; to use it the vampire lord must first knock the enemy down!
Grab Skill
Finally a grab skill! You can instantly grab a knocked down person; if you try to grab someone standing, it will ask them if they allow.
You can learn the grab skill with 50 skill points.
New Stone Buildables
Yeah the tittle already explains it, some new buildables and some borders, alot of borders, now people can make decent looking roads!
Changes at Character Creation
Fixed alot of bugs toward the login/character creation, but mainly placed back the automatic Keyboard window appearing when you create your char, this is to help new players to get less confused with the game starting out.
Experience Gains
To avoid people going to certain place and grinding at certain mobs and get way stronger then everyone else; and with this to avoid people from metagaming going to places (such as hell and atlantis ) just to level up;
I changed the way experience is given, you gain way more experience during the fight/spar than when you finish a mob, (finishing mobs still gives alot of exp so you should.) So, fighting a chicken is as good as fighting a demon, as long as you can fight it long enough.
Okay thats it for the v0.2.1-5, now time to talk about whats really good part, the versions:
Saint Seiya references in Combat
Azusa is a game inspired by saint seiya, and to try to pleasure the saint seiya fans I decided to rework the combat effects and make it more similar to the classic anime;
First thing:

BLOOD, alot of BLOOD!
Saint seiya is a very bloodish anime, and I fount myself wondering "Why theres no blood in Azusa?" So the answer is there, blood everywhere, alot of blood!
Thats it? No, theres more:
Battle songs!
I don't know why we didn't these before, but now you can upload your own song and it will be played during battles, of course these can be toggled muted etc. You can upload a song up to 2mb, I suggest you convert your song to .ogg
Battle Backgrounds
It really sounds confusing, but in most classical animes it was very common to see the whole background changing when the character was about to use a special cool technique or do a special discuss; and Saint Seiya isn't Saint Seiya without battle backgrounds, so I decided to make it a feature to the game, and to be used in epic roleplay situations!
There will be some rules on its usage, some simple ones like "Don't use it without a proper roleplay"
Still doesnt know what I mean? Watch this saint seiya video:
And this gif:

Wellp, still needs some works, and in future will be able to customize the battle background.. But everything for the references right?
Athena Sanctuary
Talking about references, its time to show one of the main updates in the game, Athena's sanctuary is back to Azusa, it always been Azusa most important reference to saint seiya sagas, it was remade and its way better now! Don't trust me? Take a look:

The Athena temple at the top of the zodiac houses is huge, and is very similar to the one from the show; And yes, exactly, an athena statue there!
Oh we don't stop there, at the bottom of the zodiac houses we also have now a working fire clock!

Most saint seiya fans surelly recognized all of the new references to the anime in Azusa now; we will keep working to bring more and more feels to sactisfy the fanbase!
Light and Darkness
Darkness is back at Azusa, and now with a better cutomization admins can set the darkness transparency and color to each map, this can be used to signal the war situation to everyone, or just to make a better immersion to certain maps

Wanted some mistery and dangerous places to adventure, and secrets to discover? Well, you will love this update, we have alot of dungeons with secret zones, puzzles, traps, and all of those are hidden in the huge new map, turn on your exploring mode and, good luck because the new mobs in these new zones are powerfull.
You will need all the luck!
Keep in mind that you can't rest nor destroy tiles in dungeons anymore, and the deep forest is now considered a dungeon!

Trap Puzzles
Mobs won't be your only worries when exploring the new maps, there are now dangerous traps ready to kill unwanted visitors! Work together with your friends to deactivate these traps and reach unknown places!

Stronger Bosses
Remade every boss, they are really stronger now and I suggest you avoid going there alone! not just that, Dragon now have his own place and got bigger!
Accept the challange?

Relic Changes and Treasures
At the map now there are some treasures placed in dangerous zones, if you manage to find one and open it you will get a Relic Box, the box's level will depend on how hard it is to find that treasure, and the level will determine the amount of Potential Given by the random relic that will appear from the box!
Keep in mind now Relics have been reworked, this is a big gameplay change, so please read here!
Relics with pot higher then 15 are now considered by the game to be ARMORS; not allowing them to be used by the same time with other ARMOR; so be carefull before picking when making a relic with higher pot then 15, the game won't let you use it with another armor!
This is to keep relic forging balanced and the gameflow legit!

New Maps!
Everyone was waiting for it right? the actual map remake that happened at the v0.1 let alot of people waiting for another map update, since this one was too small compared to the first classic; But now I am here to say that Azusa now have a bigger map then our first one and will continue expanding!
Check out this preview:

in this preview theres no detail about the new maps, cuz yeah...
Keep in mind there doesnt show the dungeons nor their locations;
Custom Gods!
I am sure you have been waiting for this as long as I am; But finally, a custom god system! Yeah you, can make yourself a god! No war will be the same! Alot of roles possibilities! Yeaah!
I don't have alot to talk about it beside the hype...

Subscription and Credits changes
Last but still important, there will be some huge changes at the credit system and will finally lower (alot) the subscription prices;
Keep in mind I always wanted to make the game accessible to everyone, but it was hard to keep the prices low having such a low playerbase, but its now time to go ahead and believe in the future growth of Azusa right?
So, here is the new subscription prices (these changes will start on monday, when the update is done)
Month: 5$ (was 10$)
Year: 20$ (was 60$)
Lifetime: 60$ (was 100$)
And nope, this isn't a promo/sale, these will be the price untill the next sale ofc; (we usually do anual black friday sale, if you are new to azusa)
With the changes on relics, the credit system will also receive a rework, now every chance on powerless relics spawning from credits was removed, and you will receive a relic box with the level (amount of pot in the relic) depending on the amount of credits you use at it; here is the list:
Relic Box lvl 4 (1c)
Relic Box lvl 5 (2c)
Relic Box lvl 6 (3c)
Relic Box lvl 10 (10c)
Relic Box lvl 15 (20c)
Relic Box lvl 36 (40c)
Relic Box lvl 50 (50c)
Relic Box lvl 100 (100c)
The credits price isn't changing, just its usage, so if you are interested in buying the game, and help its development o/ go ahead and use the byond hub: https://secure.byond.com/games/Inutaishos/Azusa/subscribe
Our official gameplay video!
I worked hard at recording this, thanks for jeff to help me to edit it;
I will use this video at the gamejolt page soon as I post the update log there!
don't forget to visit Azusa at gamejolt and vote it up, follow it, and if possible comment!
I am probably missing something, I will wake up and edit this later
Also will bring back the official RP BR server, so wait you all there