(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Alright i was working more on the game, with a karma system implemented and the ability to talk to NPC's, and have actual conversations, I thought I was doing good. but the screen is small, I mean the actual game screen is small, and I wanted to know how to make it larger, and as always, thanks ^^
Best response
Change world.view.
to 10?
To... whatever you want really, it's up to you. world.view accepts a number between -1 and 34, or in the format of "WIDTHxHEIGHT" if you don't want the screen to be square.
oh, well thanks. it worked swimmingly, I made the view=7. Also why your here, how do I make it so when you choose a color for something instead of the popup boxes, how do I make the popup box with a bunch of hexagonal colors?
Use the as color argument:

var/a = input("colours!") as null | color
would that require me to change my code, here is my current color code.

switch(input("What hair style would you like?", text) in list ("Spiky"))
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put into your hair?") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put into your hair?") as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put into your hair?") as num
var/hairover = 'spiky.dmi'
hairover += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue) = hairover
usr.overlays +=
layer = 999
Andrew, im not quite sure how to implement it into my code.
hairover += input("ljwr098wdoijflkj32oi4urioskjdk") as null | color
Fire that didnt work whatsoever xD
var/Color = input(src, "Please choose your color", "Choosing a color") as color;

Then you need to convert the color to RGB and then apply it.
In response to Ocean King
Ocean King wrote:
> var/Color = input(src, "Please choose your color", "Choosing a color") as color;

Then you need to convert the color to RGB and then apply it.

The "as color" input() returns a color in RGB form, which is also what rgb() does.
as color returns hex. I mean in #blablabla.
In response to Ocean King
As I mentioned, rgb() returns hex, as does "input() as color".
icon += rgb(255, 0, 0)

// is the same as

icon += input(src, "Pick red!", "RED!!", rgb(255, 0, 0)) as color
// when you pick red.