Our new logo, thanks to Marco1212!
Today's update was mostly number changes for some monsters and implementing the new logo, but I did introduce a new screen fade to character deaths.
Click here to view a gif of the new death animation (warning: Large file!)
The PVP arena is coming along nicely, it's mostly done up to the point of having to start plugging a UI into it, but I'll probably release it early to be tested without a full UI using basic input() and whatnot since I hate doing UI and don't want to bog down the release of it on my lack of desire to do so.
I've also posted the game on IndieDB and it's getting some pretty good response in terms of player numbers and ranking over on their end.

I've been rewarding people for screenshots and gameplay videos, so get in on that if you want some free stuff.
I'm planning to work on a website for the game, and the standalone is functional but ugly (like me!) so I'll pretty that up soon and put it up for download in a few places. I also want to start posting it in more places using the standalone and all the new gameplay media I've gotten from the community. I've also had an offer to make a good trailer for it, and even gotten some interest in posting it on a few upcoming Indie game platforms by those who are developing them.
Anyways, that's about it this time around, here's the actual notes for this release.
Update Notes - May 24th, 2017
- Addition: When dying there's now a visual effect.
- Addition: Crellus Runts have been added to the swamp.
- Addition: A new logo has been added, thanks to Marco1212 for their contribution!
- Change: Bandits now wear bandit gear.
- Change: Bandit leaders now properly spawn lesser spawns when respawning.
- Change: The Stinnox Queen has been weakened a bit.
- Change: PIXEL_SCALE has been enabled on most things.
- Change: Pixel distort zoom has been enabled. (May change this to normal)
- Change: Grubs have had their ranged abilities removed, but their melee strength increased.
- Change: Skeleton Archers have been slowed down a bit.
I don't play the game but I do love betting against other players when I play games that have a duel arena