Eternia: Battlegrounds

by Writing A New One
Before I say anything, let me say that Nadrew has worked hours and hours to optimize things game and attempt to make it the more fluid, better ascetically granted game to play. From the multiple updates, as well as fixing bugs within minutes of them being pointed out. To say that Nadrew hasnt attempted to make a successfull PVP game is severly underestimating his dedication, especially being his situation. and this is all coming from someone who stays pretty much logged on all day just to support playerbase numbers

Now that is out of the way, let me exsplain why this is utterly boring.

The most damning thing of this game, is there is no motivation to play simply because everyone else is so bored of the game that theres no one playing, and no need for you to grind on this SUPER hard grind of a game. The PVP element of this game is almost null and void because everyone is so put off by the game that you wont be pvping, you will be clicking buttons on mobs, and thats all.

Essentially, theres nothing really here worth talking about. The mechanic of the game is to grind, and then commence in the open PVP. Outside of that what do you really have to do here? What is so 'battlegrounds' about this game? What really is innovative here? to be frank, this entire game model and mechanical outlook is not only lazy, but almost copy and paste from Eternia. If not for the frame change, and music added, and change in spell prices, I'd think absolutely no work was done to this game.

The game is boring. Even with friends this is boring. You're still just grinding. and it takes so long to grind that even if you do play with friends, you're all just collectively grinding nonestop. And with the party system in this game, you dont even get credit for your friends kills. There is honestly no reason to play this that will even tickle your entertainment bone.

I've heard rumors that Nadrew wants to integrate this game to steam. I dont see why. Just to gain more negative reviews. You couldnt honestly tell me this game is 'fun' without highlighting 2 or 3 other boring facts about the game. In another thread I'll exsplain a better game design.

The worst part about this, is that this game has been out for this long, and Nadrew has yet to make a mechanical gameplay design worth caring about in the months and months it has been out. So really the worst feature to the game, is the willingness of the head game designer to change.

So really, how the game will be now? It will stay the same mundane, annoying, boring, unreasonable grind that it is now. If the playerbase numbers havent changed anyones mind, then this game will continue to nose dive.
Well, the game was really meant to be a bit further along by now than it is but that's how it goes. People are going to get bored when the updates slow down and things go only half as far as planned.

Not much I can do about it now, unfortunately. I can either keep limping the game along how it is now, or I can discontinue new subscriptions and credit purchases, let the existing ones run down and shut the doors.
Roderick Phillips wrote:
So really the worst feature to the game, is the willingness of the head game designer to change.

I'm not sure if you're referring to me or not here, but what I've empathised from the start is that PvP events and decent PvE (fun dungeons/world bosses) are what the game needs, rather than things like save slots and marketplaces. Tournaments, team death match, open-world events, guild warfare, and challenging bosses at the end of instanced dungeons with fun attack patterns/spells, etc etc.

Of course, it's entirely up to Nadrew what he wants to work on, since it's his time and energy. I'm grateful that he took the project on and I think he's done a pretty good job so far; I have no reason to complain or to dictate the development of the game outside of offering advice.
I just wanted to add that said PvE stuff was always planned, adding save slots was literally the most-requested feature people wanted from day one and adding it actually caused a dramatic increase in play (until the content got boring obviously).

The reason the marketplace gets such high priority is because there's no reason to earn things if you can't do anything with said things, and relying on the horrible trade system for selling things to each other simply wouldn't cut it. Finding loot is kinda pointless if you don't want it and can't do anything meaningful with it.

I also had to prioritize things based on how much development time they would take to implement. Open-world events, guild warfare, and a dungeon are all in the game now (two actually). Guild warfare is basically pointless since nobody plays the game, but it's there. The dungeon boss was going to be quite different from any other enemy in the game but my laptop gave out before I could finish it up and I'm definitely not putting something half-finished and untested into the game of that nature.

Instanced dungeons would have taken a massive amount of dev time, and there's no way I could have gotten those done without it being a determent to the rest of the game's development.

The PVP arena was also in the works when my laptop did its thing, it would have included most of the other things you're talking about. But again, if nobody plays the game those things are entirely pointless to have, and people aren't going to play the game just for those features because those features are redundant without the PVE part of the game, which is where my focus was at.

The push for non-combat things to do was solely because people are just going to logout when they don't want to kill things anymore, which creates a circular problem when most of the content is combat-based, if there's nobody logged in, there's nobody to fight, if there's nobody to fight nobody's logged in. The decision to put that addition ahead of the larger dungeon update (after the existing dungeon and arena were finished up) was purely to provide a reason to stick around when you didn't feel like PVP/PVE, and goes towards generating an economy and way for players to generate their own items and materials (which also plays into the marketplace).

Unfortunately, that's all just words now and half-finished code sitting in my personal fork of the source. Most of these things are beyond my capacity to finish now, so I've relegated myself to the updates I am able to do. Which are obviously not going to be enough to keep the game going, so it might just be best to save the future effort and discontinue updates and whatnot and just let things run out naturally. I wouldn't want to just turn the game off with existing subscriptions and credits in the wild (I can't imagine refunding what few there are would be ideal considering I'm broke).

So basically that's where we are, I'm gonna keep trying to replace my laptop for another month or so, and do what updates I can, but if (and most likely when) things don't improve that's the path that will be taken.

I apologize that I wasn't able to follow through with things, but that's just how it goes when you're living dollar to dollar like I am. Thanks to everyone who has supported the project and kept things running as long as it has, you're responsible for my meals, lights, and internet access for the last three months.