
Problem description:
Hi there everyone.

I sent my game to someone to test, and when they open up one of the really big menus, it shows this instead. -

For some reason, only the top left is shown. What could be wrong?

Many thanks.
Could this issue have anything to do with hardware vs software rendering? The interfaces in question use transparency, is there a chance its that?

I'm new to Byond and I have made a real effort to look around the forums before coming back to seek advice from more experienced users.

If it does turn out to be the transparency, is there no viable way to include it in my game - and interfaces, without there being a problem for he majority of players who boot the game up?

Many thanks.
I'm with the same problem
This is not enough information for anyone to help you. Post code.
Thanks for the reply.

I don't have any code, because its all been done via interfaces.

Would it help if I gave specifics on what I did to create the interfaces in question?
Maybe. Give as much information as you can. As it stands, there's nothing for anyone to really go on, which I would wager is why you're not getting any responses.