Screenshots and gameplay videos
Most places that let you list things to generate interest require either screenshots or gameplay videos (or both), and I'd really like to at least get started on posting those kinds of listings to draw in a little bit of outside interest (I can write up a standalone of the game easily enough).
So, that said I'm offering 10 credits for every good screenshot I decide to use, and 100 credits for gameplay videos showing off what you enjoy about the game. Screenshots can be uploaded anywhere images are accepted, and videos should be uploaded to YouTube (or you can send me a pager message for more ways of sending me the files if needed).
All credit payments can also be given as crowns at the rate of 10 credits -> 100,000 crowns.
We need a logo!
The game doesn't actually have a logo or title text, this needs to change. I'm looking for a title graphic that matches the feel of the game and I'm willing to pay cash for it. I'm pretty damn broke so the payment can't be much but I'd negotiate with anyone that submits something usable. I'll also be giving 100 credits and ONE MILLION CROWNS

The graphic should be at least 500x500 pixels, with a transparent background. Ideally, it would be in an easily resizable vector format (svg), but it can be a PNG if that's what you're comfortable with.
Spread the word!
I've said it a few times in-game, but I'll say it here officially. If you bring people to the game and they stick around, I'll give you stuff. Just tell your friends about the game, if they like it enough to hang around a while, mention to me that you brought them in and I'll be a very generous developer.
Just drop your submissions here as replies as as their own topics, or message me links on the pager.
Thanks everyone, it's nice seeing the numbers climbing and I apologize that I haven't been able to do any major updates, but I'm doing what I can to keep things fresh. Hopefully things will get sorted out soon and some of the bigger things I have in the pipe will finally get finished up.