So as a melee, I pretty much can only use Heavy, double, and spamming E. And... that's what I do for about.... Well this entire time so far. And mana is a -bitch- , like I literally just die to a spawn and come back cause I technically cant raise mana, or I have no agility or melee to do so, so I'm stuck here rinse and repeat waiting ages to get crowns, to have 50% of my bar fill up and be depleted, and Ive never even boosted magic capacity, I imagine pots don't mean shit if I actually boosted magic capacity.
I'm just asking that the large pots don't cost 16,000. I even use a double crown scroll, and I can only get like 1k a rotation before my mana is gone. This just seems so unneccecary to have them so damn exspensive.
Or hey, make Magic capacity scale better. Cause this really, is just insane how fast melee uses mana. Its obvious why most people just go magic aoes and spare themselves the trouble of single targetting
![]() Apr 26 2017, 11:06 pm
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