- Change: NPCs now regenerate health at a rate similar to players, and after around three minutes of inactivity they will fully recover their health.
- Change: Adds some code that hopefully takes some of the stress off the AI routines. If you find issues with enemies activating their AI improperly, let me know.
- Change: Changes the damage number routine to be less stressful on the server.
- Change: Updates the stats on glasses and sunglasses and moves them to the glasses equipment slot.
- Fix: Hellstorm aura's Q/E boost scaled very poorly.
Patch Notes - April 23rd, 2017
- Addition: Subscribers now have access to a second bank page with 50 additional slots.
- Addition: Adds the /tokens (and /token) commands to view your daily tokens until I'm able to add a proper expanded stat display.
- Fix: Click teleport spells didn't trigger mobs at the new location.
- Fix: Fairies were giving a lot more crowns than they should have when killed.