Hello, I got a problem with the locations where screen objects are created when I change the game into full screen, these locations of the screen objects varies with different computers(since screen size changes).
I've tried using different types of screen loc.
    screen_loc = "2,CENTER" (example)
screen_loc = "1,14" (example)
screen_loc = "map1:5,5" (example)
screen_loc = "WEST+0:+407,SOUTH+0:125" (example)


If it helps the world view is 22x23.
The only way I can think of is align it with the center and move it from there.. I'm not really sure I would appreciate your help.

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying the issue is.

Is the issue that different clients have on-screen objects with different screen_loc values?
That doesn't really make sense, but I could see some visual differences if you were to modify the client view.
Well i'm currently using the last example screen_loc="WEST+0:+407,SOUTH+0:125"
Which in my client (fullscreen) appears at the bottom of the map just like i want. However when i open the client with another laptop Instead of the objs being at the bottom they are like lets say 2-3 tiles north from the bottom.
What you're probably seeing is letterboxing.

The map size Dream Seeker wants to display--let's call it the "true" map size--may or may not be the same as the size of the map control itself.

The map control by default has zoom=0, which means it will try to auto-scale the true map to fit the control's dimensions. With letterboxing on by default, this means that the scaling will be done so that the true map, scaled, fits entirely within the map control--and any excess space is shown as black bars on the top/bottom or left/right. With letterboxing turned off, the map will be scaled so that it fills the control completely and crops off any excess.

It sounds to me like on the second laptop, your map control has a different ratio of height to width; whereas your map control may be perfectly square on the first computer, on the second one it's taller than it is wide. That excess height is being filled with blackness (letterboxing).

If on the other hand you're seeing the HUD in a different position in relation to the regular game map itself, that's not a letterboxing issue at all; it would suggest that perhaps the view size is being changed from what you expect.
Ok so I don't have stretch icons to fit map checked. Letter boxing is off and in gray(can't be turned on/off until i check stretch to fit)
There is currently no good way to handle multiple resolutions without a bunch of client/server workarounds. 512 may purportedly address some of these issues, but these are known problems.

Also, you may not be aware, but you can shorthand:


So it might be better to stop using full screen?