As the can be slightly challenging for newer players, How about the vetern memeber make some guides to improve the overall quaility of skill of our players. Test things and make sure your right before posting. I hope someone host a server purely for these test. Like damage and combos and such. I'd like to one day get a whole section of the forum devoted to the charaters of cosab. This would also server as a basis for Zerok to look at when trying to balance the game. Though that is kinda a joke, Since the creation of locks this game hasn't been anywhere near balanced. For years there have been charaters that stand no chance against others no matter how skilled the kankoro for example is. Using him as 1 example would be his match up vs a Oro. even with his ant ass, he can't win due to shed/ and white snake and oro's natural immuntiy to poison. But thats tobe put in the guides.
Try to incorpate strenght and viability assesments of combo's and jutsu's along with best playstyle for the charater in the guides you guys create. Remember more than likely its gonna be new players looking at them. Add a section at the bottom on future recomendations for Zerok to see, as the charaters are currently being reworked I would be a great time for him to have the info on whats all bugged/ or just plain sucks or even OP
![]() Apr 15 2017, 11:24 am