As you can see, my member site is up, thanks to a
donation by Polaris8920. As the site shows, I very much like Stargate and I have helped Polaris8920 on games that involve Stargate, including doing many icons and part of the gate system in Polaris World, a game now taken off the hub, but still one of my favorite games to play even though Polaris thought it sucked. I am currently working on a new Stargate game with Polaris, a game calles Stargate Sidescroller, a game which allows you to play through various missons from the Stargate show. It is done in a side-scroller format (surprise, surprise!) and allows you to kill bad guys in a variety of ways, whether you're blating them with a staff weapon, pumping them full of lead with a machine gun, or taking them out with a zat'n'ktel, it is still very fun. Unfortunatly, the Jaffa icons aren't that good, and so we can't release the game without some Jaffa icons. I would post some screenshots, but, like I said, the Jaffa icons aren't very good.

On another note, we are hoping to make a Stargate RTS, alowing you to play in space or on the ground and hopefully travelling through the Stargate with my new DHD dialing engine. This will actually alow you to dial, by clicking on the DHD, and the panels will light up to show you the symbols you have clicked. Surprisingly, this interface is not done using anvanced programming languages such as Java, Javascript or BASIC (ha,ha). No, this interface is done using: Dream Maker. Yes, the interface actually generates onload, and allows the user to click in the map window to activate the DHD. Plus the chevrons light up as the buttons are pushed, and there is a gate startup and shutdown sound.

Also, as I am a big Stargate fan, I am going to be attempting to build a working model of the gate. Does this mean we'll be finally be able to visit Abydos, or meet the Asguard, you ask? Well unfortunatly, I haven't been able to get my hands on some Naquadah, and I will have to build it out of Styrofoam and only to 1/3 scale. The inner wheel with all the glyhs will actually be able to spin, because I am using a few motors hidden inside to spin the wheel. Hopefully I will also be able to make a light sensor reading cards that will be able to find symbols and dial them for you. When/if I get it done, I may be able to post
some pictures of it.

Speaking of glyphs, if anyone can recognize the first six glyphs in my blog icon, and tell me the address that they point to, the names of the glyphs, and what the Point of origin looks like, will win a vaction to Hawaii! No, actually they'll just prove that they know lots about Stargate, and they might get a chance to test the Stargate sidescroller.

Well, that's about it, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask on the blog.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions for games, whether they are about Stargate or not, I am still looking for game ideas for me to work on.
You should check out Stargate Online.

It's a game made by me and Yurgeta.