Yeah, just got it 2 days ago. And it's ok... but there are alot of things I dont like about it. For one, i dont like how you can change the leader of the party, it makes it seem like there isnt really a "Main Character", and if your calling vaan, that metrosexual looking so called guy a main character, then i dont even know what they were thinking. Another thing is i dont know if its just me, but iv killed about 300 enimes and im only level 8, and im in the doungeon after being caught trying to rob the palace, and I have died about 30 times. They made it way to difficult, and im about to just stop playing. 30 times, in 1 area? And its the beggining of the game. Jesus...
That's what they're trying to do. There's no main character, it's about a group.

Also the fact that you're judging the game after only reaching level 8 when the game doesn't even really pick up until about five or so hours in is pretty silly.

Keep at it and you will fall in love :)
The game starts out slow, and the battle system takes a bit of getting used to. Like Vortezz says, keep at it and you'll come to love it.
yeah, but I really dont like the fact that theres no main character. Thats what makes games like final fantasy 8 so great. Because of squal, and his story. Or Cloud and his background. Thats also why final fantasy 9 was horrible. Becuase the main character was a monkey, and not a cool main character.
It's not that the game is hard, it's just that you suck at it. :P

And if you want a main character, then leave your leadership on one character. Stop complaining and play your damn video game, little boy.

You're lucky to have any video game at all.
Im sorry, I didnt know i couldnt state my own opinion, little boy.
FF9 > (FF7 +FF8), clearly. FF8 was horribly broken to the point where a friend of mine just uses Squall to attack. The other two only exist to keep Squall alive and on low health, so he can use Renzokuken. He doesn't even have Lion Heart yet, and it kills everything easily.

FF7 was just ugh. Brokenness (Knights of the Round, anyone?), generic characters (No reason to use anyone in particular, beyond limit breaks), serious flaws with the materia system (This goes with brokenness, but basically, you can make anything go off twelve times on all enemies and cause them to receive every status effect sort of thing. That's a slight exaggeration. Slight), crappy story (It just doesn't fit together and is never explained), random characters (Cloud and Sephiroth are entirely, entirely pointless. One likes to kill things, the other likes to beat up on people that kill things. End of characterisation).

I won't go any further.
Watching my friend play it (It was at his house, so I couldn't gank the controls), it looks like it is all about using the right skills at the right time. If you do not form your characters logically, you will lose. If you do not manage their automatic skill usage logically, you will lose.

It actually requires you to think through battles. What a crazy thought, requiring strategy in a turn/realtime(It is a little bit of both) strategy game.

As for the main character, it seemed obvious that Vaan was the main. He was the driving force in the story line. And one of the best ways to run your team was to keep him out 100% of the time. This made him far more powerful than everyone else, allowing him to lead into battle. Of course, you could pick someone else to do that, but Vaan just seems logical to do it.

The use of kills as points for unlocking skills and magic was interesting. I still haven't got to play it, so I don't know how much of a pain it is to manage, but from what I saw, by the time you hit level 10 or so you should have a lot of unlock points just sitting there.

From what I have seen of the game, it deserves every bit of praise it has been getting.
Im not saying its a bad game, I like it alot. But I dont know... Final fantasy 10, and this both had kind of the same feel. The grid system, and the licence system are similar. I loved the feel in final fantasy 7, you were more free to move around.
That type of a skill system has been around for a long time. Even in the Final Fantasy games. I really don't see much at all that it has in common with 10. 10 was 99% a puzzle game, 1% an RPG. Now if you were to say 12 was a lot like 11, I would agree. Although they have some differences in the skill selection and whatnot, the battles are a lot like 11 and the world seems to be made from the same engine.
I said the Grid system was similar to the licence system. Not the game.
Yeah, but that is one small aspect of the game. It's like saying "Final fantasy 10, and this both had kind of the same feel." because they are both on DVDs. Or they both have male leads. Or they both involve killing monsters of sorts.

I can accept that you don't think it is as great of a game as most people. Because very rarely do all humans think alike.

It just seems like all your dislikes are silly and just there to rebel against the good reviews it has been getting. You call Vaan a "metrosexual", but he looks like just about anyone else from a FF game. You claim that you have to kill too much to get anywhere, but this has been the basis for most RPGs since the NES days. You claim you die too much, but my friend (who is far from a good gamer or strategist) is able to keep from dying except in boss fights. You claim there is not a main character, but who is in 99% of the cutscenes? Doesn't that define a main character? Who cares if parties allow you to switch out to whoever you want, that seems like it opens up gameplay more than anything else.
I haven't played it yet, but I was told that the game doesn't bother with a stupid love subplot. Is that true?

I read that the maker of the plot did the Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre series, and it was very political when compared to other console RPGs I've played. Is there something like that in FF 12?
I just got the game, I actually really like the license points idea, and hunting monsters and what not, ok back to the game
Does anyone else agree the main character is a queer?
all the humans in the game so far seem like metros, except the guards...
"What's this!? The character I'm playing isn't a big burly man-beast!?

Pah! This game is for gays! Screw it.

Metrosexual load of garbage."
Cecil wasn't a big burly man-beast, and I thought he was a good main character

Cloud wasn't a big burly man-beast, and I thought he was a good main character

Zidane wasn't a big burly man-beast, and I thought he was also a good main character

Don't be so black or white, Vortezz
Solbadguy500, you have completely missed my point :(

Please note the quotation marks!

I was imitating what Knifo appears to be saying and trying to make a hilarious joke while at the same time bringing out the fact that I approve of Vaan's character design.

I love Cecil, Cloud, Zidane, Tidus, and Squall, and generally tend to dislike Barret.

Still, that seemed rather black or white

The characters have been becoming increasingly... naked. I'd like to see a main character as a knight, or perhaps a female. Only FF 6 has had a female main character so far....

PS: FFX-2 doesn't count because it was a sequel and a horrible piece of shit
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