As you can infer from the title, I've never broken a bone... I've had numerous accidents that should have broken bones, but I've been lucky enough that they've all held up...

That is, until last night... At least, I think so...

How can I not know? Well, it's because it is one of my toes (the second-to-last one on my right foot) I stubbed it on a chair leg, and the thing has since bruised up, swollen a bit, and become difficult to move and walk on... Not my usual experience with a stubbed toe...

In my usual fashion, though, I'm "walking it off"... I'm willing to wait it out and let nature take its course... Especially since I'm not fully convinced that it's broken (besides, what're they gonna do, make me a little cast? lol) We tried splinting it, but it swelled some more after it was wrapped in tape, and I had to unwrap it... So far, it's not in any weird position, so I'm going to try to let it heal as-is...

I just hope it will be alright tomorrow night when I go to work and I'm on my feet for 12 hours...
Yeah, all I've ever really broken was fingers and toes, always let them heal on their own myself, never had any problems.
I broke that same toe twice last summer.

There should be a toe-guard especially made for that toe. The second time around the skin started to peel and the nail turned green. I thought it was going to like, fall off.
I broke a toe once. It turned purple :D
Yeah, mine is currently rather purple in a wide band between the last "knuckle" and my toenail (I have long toes, so that width is about 1/4"-1/2")... It no longer hurts to walk on it, though, which is a good sign (not that it isn't broken, but that I'll be fine for work tomorrow)...
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Yeah, mine is currently rather purple in a wide band between the last "knuckle" and my toenail (I have long toes, so that width is about 1/4"-1/2")... It no longer hurts to walk on it, though, which is a good sign (not that it isn't broken, but that I'll be fine for work tomorrow)...


If you can move it, odds are that it isn't broken; Most likely a bruise.
Well, it doesn't bend when I try to bend it, though I'm guessing that's due to the swelling...

I can bend it by hand, with a small bit of discomfort... Of course my "small bit of discomfort" might be unbearable pain to
Never broke any bones that I know of, although I have had some rather bad "jams" of my toes, which could have resulted in a broken toe. It doesn't sound like you broke it, but if you did, take care when on your 12 "onyourfeetathon". It sounds like you broke a lot of blood vessels and if you were to wear out the skin, you might end up with a shoe full of blood.
I broke my elbow shortly after I joined BYOND. It was actually the joint, which really sucked, because I had to get to working on bending it out again. I can get it most of the way now, which is good.
Toes suck, hands down lol. But I remember a couple years back I broke my left or right foot, jumping off a roof :/.

Referral to x-ray facility: 10$ co-pay
X-ray: 10$ + 10$ co-pay
Cast: 20$ + 10$ co-pay
Splint: 15$ + 10$ x-ray + 10$ co-pay
Playing rough football with friends, coming home with little breaks in every finger, and still being able to work having every area between your knuckles pointed in a direction not originally intended by nature, avoiding the extra costs of co-pays and x-rays: Priceless.

There's some things that money can't buy. For everything else there's jokes that wore out five years ago, and were barely funny then.
I haven't broken a bone of my own yet, even though, there were cases that I almost ended up having broken bones.