Hmm, did Castle's map change? Last time I played, and I mean I played alot, you could see the castle enterance.
As mentioned in the other comments, I just didn't realize I needed to use the arrows to move. I kept clicking around (maybe cause I've been playing Dune II recently) -- it's something I'd definitely add to the game, which is movement by clicking. It would be much more natural.
Anyway, I have been playing it once a day or so...even on Easy, wave 9 still kicks my butt. I'm getting closer though. Now I think I'll edit this post to indicate the error... |
It's a lot easier with multiple players- or at least multiple keys. There's more monsters, therefore more gold to go around to upgrade and get units.
Yesterday I finally beat Easy...that was a thrill!
It's great how you have to learn to progress. In my case, I'm intentionally not reading the guide, because I want to figure it out for myself right now. Though I never would have figured out how Hunters worked if Elation/Mopar hadn't told me. Hunters rock! |
Multiplayer is easier, except you have to cooperate. And you know how people are... Cooperation is a foreign concept to them.
Not to mention when you get to 4 players, somebody ends up doubling up on a class, or gets stuck with archers. Poor archer units, so unloved and useless. Deadron: Wave 9 is fairly easy if you have the right units. Try playing around with the different classes if you continue to have trouble. |
The key to wave 9 for me was Hunters...lots of Hunters.
And to wave 10 for that matter...beat that the first time I got there, cause I had so many damn Hunters. |
Hunters are a good class, but keep in mind you will most certainly need the others. Only mages will attack ghosts, for example.
This is a week old, but okay.
I like Castle; just not the people who play it really. If you are playing a game with less than four people and someone else joins, they will not shush until you die or reboot so that they can play, and they'll point out every little mistake you make and...yeah... its more fun to multikey =) I've never had an arguement with myself I couldn't settle, so yeah =D |