Nothing fancy, subscribers get access to 4 slots, non-subscribers get access to 2. If your subscription runs out you'll lose access to the bottom two slots, however you'll be able to rearrange your characters as long as you have an active subscription.
Now now, on to a massive dump of change logs (note, updates prior to the Rebirth of Quests are not included):
Update Notes - March 13th, 2017
- Addition: 3 new quests, 1 new quest NPC.
- Addition: Quests can now ask for specifically leveled monsters.
- Addition: Various new items and doodads.
- Addition: Doors that require specific items to pass.
- Addition: PVP Bounty Event
- Change: Grub Cave has been updated to be more dungeony.
- Change: Regions can be set to prevent teleport spells from functioning.
- Change: Dash-type spells can now be stopped by more things on the map.
- Change: The regional event border is now less visible.
- Change: Tweaked some colors here and there.
Patch Notes - March 9th, 2017
- Change: Item descriptions now show the slot the item is equipped to, if it's equipment.
- Change: Elemental yokai now have a chance of dropping lesser rings of that element.
- Change: Lowered power smash's AOE requirement from 150 melee to 120.
- Fix: Binding your targetting button should work properly now.
Patch Notes - March 7th, 2017
- Addition: Adds mana potions.
- Change: Changes how displaying updated changelogs is handled to heavily reduce savefile overhead.
- Change: Targeting has been revamped, now you can press TAB to cycle through enemies on your screen, pressing SHIFT+TAB will scroll the other way. CTRL+TAB will target the last thing that inflicted damage to you. (You will need to press F12 and reset your bindings for this to work)
Update Notes - March 5th, 2017
- Addition: The game now supports recolored and resized mobs internally easier.
- Addition: Added various new types of mobs and varieties of existing mobs around the map. (I'll add loot and quests for these monsters soon)
- Fix: Target indicator color is no longer effected by atom.color.
- Fix: Damage numbers are no longer effected by atom.color, transform, or alpha.
- Change: After level 80 the level curve steepens a little bit more.
- Change: Scaled back Stinnox difficulty a bit.
Update Notes - March 2nd, 2017
- Addition: The bank is now live, please report any bugs you find with it to me right away.
- Fix: Cleaned up the number input dialog that appears in various places.
Patch Notes - March 1st, 2017
- Fix: Quest NPC lists had their colors broken by the page update.
Patch Notes - Feb. 28th, 2017
- Fix: Punishing Winds could cause Holy Tempest-type magic to become over-powered.
- Fix: The credit shop had a few instances where dialog could get stuck, let me know if you come across more.
- Fix: Certain quests could conflict with each other and prevent proper acceptance/completion.
- Fix: Quest NPCs didn't have pages enabled for their quest listing.
- Change: Bumped the EXP values up on some higher level enemies.
Patch Notes - Feb. 26th, 2017
- Addition: 6 new quests (to existing NPCs), these quests can be repeated.
- Addition: The Mystery Box has returned, you can use the tokens you gain from doing repeatable quests to open it.
- Change: Increases exp rates almost across the board, with a few exclusions.
Patch Notes - Feb. 23rd, 2017
- Fix: Overheat's effect did not properly expire.
- Fix: (Potential, needs testing live) Poison had the potential to lock enemies in place.
- Fix: The PVP indicator overlay could get stuck if you moved between safe/unsafe regions.
Patch Notes - Feb. 22nd, 2017
- Fix: Healing items didn't show their restorative values in their description properly.
- Fix: Item stack numbers no longer layer above things inappropriately.
- Fix: Item vitality and magic capacity values weren't properly displayed in item descriptions.
Patch Notes - Feb. 20th, 2017
- Fix: Added some checks that should reduce AI overhead a bit until I can properly rework some bottlenecks in it.
- Fix: Ring of Malice could fail when not enough room around the caster could be obtained.
- Fix: The recent kill counter wasn't properly ticking down.
- Fix: Quests could take more items than they were meant to for non-stackable items.
- Fix: Quests were a bit dumb about adding items to your inventory, this has been improved.
- Addition: 1 new quest NPC with 5 new quests.
- Addition: More shopkeepers on the map.
- Change: Tier3 items have had their level requirements tweaked.
- Change: Most wolves in the southern tundra have been replaced by level 8 variations, the stronger ones are now found further north.
- Change: Slimeball drop rate increased from 3% to 8%
Patch Notes - Feb. 19th, 2017
- Fix: Relogging did not properly save your location.
- Fix: Guild conquest in Danarium had the potential to spawn you in weird places.
- Fix: Aggressive rabbits did not properly have their name set.
- Fix: Admin Help didn't actually go through.
- Fix: Occasionally the quest window close button could get stuck on screen. If this happens to you after this update, let me know.
- Addition: 2 new quests, 1 new quest NPC.
- Change: Upped the rates on all quests. Sorry to those who have completed them already!
Content Update - The Rebirth of Quests
Feburary 19th, 2017
This is the first major content update since the beta of the game went live, it focuses on the revival of quests. Many of the beta players noticed that the game indeed had some quests. But those quests were broken, bland, or clunky outright. This was the result of the quests being done back in the RP version, with an entirely different goal in mind than the PVP version required. This in turn resulted in a system that wasn't very easy to expand on without a bunch of effort, especially for Chance, who isn't too inclined towards programming but likes adding content while I focus on the technical side of things -- when possible. It was obvious very early on that my first goal would have to be to remedy that so that some quick easy content could be pumped into the game without forcing me to devote a ton of time into programming things. So without further adeiu, I give you, The Rebirth of Quests. (I'll be looking into a nicer interface font soon too :) )
- 9 new NPCs located around the world providing a total of 25 quests for the player to complete.
- Helpful rewards and items to progress you along at a smoother pace.
- Quest NPCs will have a yellow star over their heads.
Maybe someone in the community can spice it up for you?