Eternia: Battlegrounds

by Writing A New One
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Status: Open

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As a note, yes I know the game is still in very early development. Much of what I have to say could very well be on the to-do list. I'll start with probably the biggest issue.


I start with this, simply because it's probably the most defining point of the game. The main issue I've had thus far is well. . . my attacks, be they melee or magical, don't feel significant at all. ESPECIALLY when it comes to close-ranged combat. Overall, I've found myself going through the motions as the unintelligent AI just rush towards me, and I casually aim to slung and out-damage them to win.

The battling needs a lot of fine-tuning, and some life breath into it. For example;

  • When I attack, using a basic melee attack [I believe the key is 'E'], the NPC I'm battling should be stunned for a small period of time, and pushed back a few pixels [maybe tile, since this game won't run pixel movement, if I recall]. These attacks should have the lowest tick time, and should be capable of being spammed to allow for 'rapid blows'.
  • The other button 'Q' should be the power striking. It should be slower, harder hitting, but also able to do a heavier knock-back and leave the enemy stunned for slightly longer time.
  • Aesthetics also play a role. When the attacks go through, there should be a slight 'hit' animation for the NPCs struck, as well as perhaps a brief overlay of red to signify the damage done.
  • I've played with magic a lot less than I have with melee, so I'll cut it short here. Maybe in a few days I can give a bit more critique.


In my opinion, the creation process needs to be redone completely. Everyone should spawn in a newbie town, which I feel would make it easier to craft the map [since if I recall correctly, you guys have no plans to build the map beyond this point?]. Preferably Danarium.

In addition, a tutorial island being made later on when more content is added.
Thanks for your post, Meme01. There's no real plans to change how Q/E function, they already have combos and things of that nature.

Adding a hit animation to everything would take quite a lot of graphical work and that's not something I usually do.

There's no plans to change it so everyone spawns in the same town, but there are definitely plans to provide more tutorial material no matter where you spawn, such as simple quests that explain basic functions and whatnot.

Eager to see more updates.