1) PVP games: Capture the flag/ King of the hill/...etc
2) More built in rpg type dynamics. (ex. quests, npc narrative,..story lines...)
3) No more pvp on/off. Just have PVP safe areas that are like marketplace. Also the safe areas only can stay for a limited amount of time so you dont have campers.
4) Additional benefits for subscriber: (ex. additional character slot)
5)Making more npc's mobs
6) Making death more definite (death..you lose high xp or levels dependent on the level who killed you) + (loot drop: not game credits but losing a random item out of the killed players inventory)
7) Have castle/area guards have loot to drop and maybe making different leveled guards. (knights, ...etc)
8)Hidden/secret areas that have secret or hidden equipment/quests. ex. (a hidden area that is only found through learning a type of hidden magic, that has its own equipment.
example. ( A character uses his secret technique (Eyes of the wolf) that he learned to search for a hidden area in the exact location the user stands. (of course there's no way the user could stand in every (x,y,z) location in the game to search; but by finding a hidden artifact in a cave that appears once a day at 3-4pm est. he gets a clue to use his technique to search in a certain area... (((You have found the Artifact of Fantasia!...It has a faint glow and emits a sense of power... From it you see the words inscribed...FOR NO MAN CAN SEE WHAT THE EYES OF THE WOLF CAN NEAR THE GOBLET OF TIME... Of course nobody would know what the means except for the person who has the skill (eyes of the wolf) and knows about the (Goblet of Time) located in a cave, and uses the skill standing next to it to teleport to the entrance... Which in part is the start of a hidden/secret quest.
9)..more fun quests like one i just made up just now for example...
10) Artifacts that carry certain perks. (example.. lets say theirs 3 artifacts in the game.. Holy Escaliber(weapon)-summon knights to command/ Vampiric Pressure (aura)-causes players to be immediately immobilized in your presence /.Shining Chestplate of Law (armor)- Very strong against Darkness/Fire attacks.
**well just a few things i just came up with but that would be a good start. Though the game is great so far.
![]() Mar 20 2017, 1:23 pm
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Definitely planned, the bounty event was just the first of many planned PVP activities.
Another thing that's already on the list, the current quest lines are mostly just to help monster grinding along. More things like what the Grub Cave does and more expansive quests are something I want to do earlier rather than later.
We opted for optional because not everyone is going to want to do the PVP thing, and the map simply isn't as expansive as it needs to be to provide a reasonable place for both groups to exist happily.
There's quite a few things planned for subscribers, including a second bank page (maybe more), extra character slots (when they're added), and more items to pick from. For character slots we plan to give non-subscribers 2 slots and subscribers 4 slots.
As indicated by my last few updates, more mobs are always being introduced to the game as long as I have the art assets to utilize.
I was actually discussing this in the game the other night with people, I'd like to make the penalty for dying a bit more harsh, when both dying to players and NPCs, losing a chunk of your experience in both cases. Now that the bank has been introduced there's not much holding me back from doing so now.
Guards are generally just a waste of resources, probably not worth fleshing out the AI for since they'd be more of a thrill kill than anything (like most ORPG guards)
Might already exist, who knows!
Thanks for all the suggestions, they're all greatly appreciated and I'm sure you're happy to see most of them are already planned updates.