I've decided to house a guild for Session Based Games from my member's account. Session Based Games is a Guild for the players and developers who like games that can be played in short sessions. Short is a subjective word, and could mean the 2min sessions of Plunder Gnome, or the 45min sessions of Faction Wars. These games require little commitment, and lots of fun; this is in contrast to long term games like RPGs, where the user must make a large commitment of time in order to enjoy many aspects of the game. Session based games also generally provide a definite end, announcing who just won the game of Mano a Mano, and that everyone is now free to leave, or stick around for another session.
The guild is in place to help promote these games, and to facilitate the interaction of players interested in playing them. Session based games, unlike RPGs, generally arn't hosted all the time, so they fall out of the public eye and it's hard to find other people to play with. It's my hope that the guild will provide a large player base that you can draw on when trying to find your next opponant in Breakthrough.
Please introduce yourself on the forum, tell us about the games you like to play, and tell us what instant messenger programs (or the BYOND pager) we can use to invite you to sessions of those games. Feel free to post on the forums to set up sessions of your favorite games, or to contact other players. This guild is here to help you, the casual player, have fun whenever you have a half-hour to devote to your favorite game.
Thanks for your interest!
To celebrate the creation of the guild, consider joining the phenominal Mano a Mano, by Flick. I'll see you there. :)
Nov 7 2006, 12:11 am
This is a great idea! As we rollout the newer guild features (that'll make them more prominent on the site, among other things), I'd love for you to take charge of this category. Frankly, I think these types of short-games--whether they be board games, or mini-RPGs, or word-games, or whatever--are what BYOND is best suited to create and play.
I find the broad definition rules it out as a replacement, but the guild itself interests me. =)
Oh, btw, for such a sort of guild it would be neat to have a feature in your pager that allows you to see people of guild online, so you'd have some kind of sorting ;)
O.o Paintball BYOND is a session based RPG =P! Games usually last less than two minutes and have a definite winner. But, when the players win, they can use the money to buy better gear and guns for the game =)
Do we fit in? |
Worldweaver wrote:
O.o Paintball BYOND is a session based RPG =P! Games usually last less than two minutes and have a definite winner. But, when the players win, they can use the money to buy better gear and guns for the game =) That sounds like it would fit in. Post a link to it in the forums, and I'll get around to making a page to display all guild games. |
Thanks for the plugs. :) I'm not sure what happened, but ManoAMano seems to have gone back into hidden mode again. It was there, but wasn't reporting itself to the hub. It hadn't done that in quite a while though looks to be fixed now. I've actually got a few updates almost ready, but I need to reorganize some of the systems to finish up a few new skills.
Im in on the guild. :) Some games I enjoy, though I don't play often: http://games.byond.com/hub/ACWraith/WebCrawl http://games.byond.com/hub/Skysaw/Kwijibo http://games.byond.com/hub/Leftley/Bombard I've got an ICQ number, but I haven't used it in years. I'm pretty much pager only :P *EDIT* Oops, I guess this should have gone in the forum, but since it took me three tries to get the links right, I'm leaving it here. :P |