While this game is fun, and still has potential I highly don't recommend playing.
I recently tried the game after a little over a year break from byond. When I first started playing it was around version 18 now its around 62ish. I quit playing back then because the owner Zerok introduced the lock system. Which while called Lock could simply be called P2W. It introduces certine charaters from the anime series that only if you pay you can play and also abilitys on Free 2 play charaters that can only be used if you pay to unlock them. I have always been against anything that would give someone an advantage over someone else in a pvp as it lets a person's wallet size make up for lack of skill and by all means decreases the fairness of play over all. NO players that pay are not garenteed a win however its prob about 60 to 70% easyier for them to win than a game than a free to play player.
The Pay 2 win system isnt the main reason I don't recommend new players to try the game. The gameplay is. While the game has one of the best fight systems i've seen coded in, it simply is over shadowed by the sheer amount of bugs, and lag in the game. The lag is due to the overall coding of the game. It was a problem back a year ago and still is to this day. This is because the lead coder is to lazy to revamp it for his players and finds it boring. So the lag will probally be around forever. Bugs and Glitches of basic gameplay also remain rampant to this day. Wall glitches, burning people threw walls, and even charater abilitys not working as intended are still there.
Yes the coder has revamped alot of charaters skill sets since last i played, however this is where i concluded he was to lazy and found it to boring to fix the overall gameplay. As he's revamped alot of them, yet these bugs and lag are still here a year later. Would I recommend the game if he was more responsable to the core gameplay, sure even with the Pay 2 win system in place if Zerok woul d work on core gameplay so that players did experence 1 to 5 second lag quite frequently in the game, not just spikes, Yeah i'd recommend people to play. However this is not the case. I honestly feel like he has stopped caring about his game thus why these issuse have gone untouched for so long. Other games of similar style have came and faced these same gameplay issues and fixed them. So its nothing he couldn't do or learn todo. Its simple incompedence and lazyness
![]() Mar 19 2017, 6:22 pm