Fairy Tail: New Genesis

by Ryan-hemsley
Fairy Tail: New Genesis
A game in development based on the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
ugh, well today has been spent doing quite the amount of stuff for 'First' spells so far.

don't know what things I mentioned already but heres a small list of things added:
Airspace: Obu(Projectile) and Paamu(Melee)
Card: Magician's Blade(Melee)
Animal Possession: Wolf Soul(Projectile), transformation overlay called Wolf Aspect
Darkness: Dark Punch(Melee)
Earth: Iron Rock Punch(Melee)
Great Tree Arc: Burst Claw(Melee)
Human Possession: Bash Formation(Melee), also working on how the possessed Totems will function

ofc that's just what ive gotten done within a little bit of work, and right now I'm basically going through and doing up some basic new spells, as well as redoing some not-so-good old spells,

Current plans for the early part of this weekend include:
Melee spells for: Fairy, Fire(a punch more than likely), Heavenly Body, & Paper Blizzard
Solid Script: Wood
Basic Projectile Spells for: Fire Dragon Slayer, Ice Devil Slayer, Lightning Dragon Slayer, Lightning God Slayer, Sky God Slayer, & White Dragon Slayer

I also have almost all of Fire Dragon Slayer's spell icons on the pile of redos(no offense to ryan, but ohdeargod...), as well as the ice devils rage I did(doesn't look right), almost all of the Lightning Dragon and pretty much all of the Lightning God spells...a couple spells from Shadow Dragon and Poison Dragon Slayer might find their way there, as well as a good number of spells from Sky Dragon and God Slayers, and petty much all of Shadows spells.

In addition, still redoing many Satan Soul Spells, as well as adding some, and doing a whole mess of things with Rainbow Fire.

I also am going to go roundabout and code up the item drops into Inventory for starting with Card, Gun, and Requip.

And, once again, my mind turns to mythos and creatures of the supernatural as I try to think of some new ideas for Beast Soul Take Over.

the words Khalkotauroi, Ophiotaurus, Minotaur and Creten Bull have came to mind as of immediate thoughts for some 'expansion'(go ahead, look up those first two, you know you want to)

Also, I'm fairly certain this was because it was based off Elfman, and has more with his preference than anything, but I just realized all of the arm spells for BTO are on the wrong arm, so yeah.

anyway, going to lay down for a minute and than itll probably be back to the my little workshop of spells.
ugh, so continued to make more spells and icons, as well as drop code everytime I had a set of at least a basic melee and a basic ranged spells

spells include:
Fairy: Fairy Blade(Melee)
Fire: Flame Punch(Melee), Fireball(Projectile), Red Smash(Melee)
Fire Dragon Slayer: Fireball
Flame God Slayer: Fireball
Great Tree Arc: Burst Claw
Heavenly Body: Heaven Blade
Lightning: Punch

also obviously did icons for
Fire Dragons Iron Fist, various spells in Iron Dragon Slayer, Ice Devil's Rage, Fire Dragons Roar, Sky Gods Bellow, Poison Dragons Roar, Lightning Dragons Breakdown Fist, Lightning Dragons Heavenward Halberd, Raging Bolt, Lightning Gods Fist, Lightning Gods Bolt Bomb, Sky Dragons Crushing Fang, Shattering Light Sky Drill, Sky Gods Boreas, Heavenly Gathering of Clouds, Sky Gods Punch, Solid Script Wood

still got Sky Dragons Crushing Fang, Sky Gods Punch, a Melee Spell for Paper Blizzard, several attacks of the like of Fire Dragons Claw and Wing Attack, Fire Dragons Brilliant Flame, Flame Gods Kagutsuchi, Fire Dragons Sword Horn, and thatll just be to cover what I put on my pile to redo.

debating highly if I should code and icon a bunch of new spells for Slowing, Curse Doll, Sound, Arc of Time, Reflector, Human Subordination, Gravity, and Maguilty Sense due to their unusual specifics

meanwhile, I'm going to try and work on a faster way to put the Buildings in without coding 48 separate parts to it...
In response to Bloody m
If youre using objects for your buildings that's a really bad approach.
Just use turfs.
using turfs isnt all that much better of a battle plan, as someone whos done both, i am fully well aware of this.

anyway, meanwhile, I decided to finish my cleaning spree of the older stuff by redoing all of the Rainbow Fire Spells, and adding quite a few. Currently there are 6 types of fire, with 3 spells each, heres a short rundown of the fires:
Red: Burning & Basic
Blue: Slowing & Basic
Yellow: Inedible & Basic
Purple: Slowing and Burning
Orange: Burning and Inedible
Green: Slowing and Inedible
when you get this magic, you have a chane to learn one of the spells from the three basic colors, and ill decide how advancement goes at some other point(gotta get to it eventually)

I also am dropping up some bits of code, first of all, the code for Cards/Bullets(without using simplistic vars like ryan), The Item Stacking Code(that i cant remember at this second whos exactly im using), and some Randomized Ring procs, these procs are just to make generating rings much faster ingame, and also give me the opportunity to have you start witha randomized ring.

Ill probably work on coding in spell workings for rings sometime later

this ismostly because im entering an area i dont really enjoy being in, the areawhere many of the magics i have left to make sure their coded in have very little in the diversity department as far as spells, such as Beast Take Over, Satan Take Over, Requip, Curse Doll, Gravity, Maguilty Sense, Human Subordination, Reflector, Sound, Arc of Time, and Slowing.

and in addition to me still having to icon a whole bunch of these, i also just remembered i got rid of all of the icons for Shadow Magic, plus still need some 'basic' spells done up for Lightning Dragon Slayer, Lightning God Slayer, Sky God Slayer, White Dragon Slayer, Ice Devil Slayer, and still run up code for Transformations, and test it so i can drop in Take Over magics .-.

yep, might work on buildings soon instead of progressing my insanity in the realm of magics and spells
In response to Bloody m
Bloody m wrote:
using turfs isnt all that much better of a battle plan, as someone whos done both, i am fully well aware of this.

Sorry but that's categorically false on multiple levels.
Using objects as "turfs" inflates your project's compile time significantly based on the number you use. Turfs don't suffer from that problem at all. In games like GOA-- it accounts for the 10+ minute wait time between compiles.

Compiles should take 5-30 seconds tops most times.

Secondly and most importantly, when you use turfs you don't have to take the time out of your day to code in states for each image.

In your case:

Make a single turf called building, apply your building icon (You can simply place all the images in a single .dmi file and make sure each has a different name.)


Then when you're mapping, you use the command for "generate instances from icon states" that will generate each state from the file in the mapping window. You can then paste these onto the map as you see fit.

If you're worried that your turfs won't stack or sit on top of other turfs, just press and hold control while you're placing a turf to get that effect.

There's very few reasons at all you would need to use objects as pieces to any structure in your game. Also, I only mentioned all this because you did ask if there was a better way to handle it--this is it.

like i said, ive tried both,i know that using objs is not the best idea, and i thank you for the input, but the way ryan had it coded, i cant do this and expect all the houses in the game just to put themselves together.

not to mention the fact that the houses are just the tip of the building iceberg on that, counting the GH Tree, OS Cave and Tartarus buildings, theres a lot of turfs i have to go about replacing like this manually, and that honestly is where the part of me that doesnt want to do 20 hours of work kicks back in.

thanks for the input, but i think there needs to be a slight different angle of approach
well....that week didn't go as planned

seriously, everytime I power through the weekend like that, I end up crashing for two days straight, this time my sleep schedule didn't rebalance till Thursday.

So, I haven't done much, so to lighten the mood I slapped my modified version of Evi of Au's Item Stacking Code into the game, and dropped a quick bit of stuff for Card and Gun Magic.

I was also thinking to add in code for Modding weapons, like Swords and Guns and ect, using the same code, but with a twist. Of course that's if anyone is interested in making, upgrading and modifying weapons, otherwise ill just put all that little code back into a box and forget I even said anything

looking into some options for what I was talking about earlier, let you guys know if I make a break through
so far, options 0, building code 3. not going well atm

so, I coded up some of the Guild code baseline, should work the way I need it too more smoothly
got some coding done so far today, mostly involving spells, for 'some' reason, the actual code to give me the verbs disappeared again, put it back, and working correctly, again.

did a fix to Shield spells so they appear in front of the user

added code support for 1-line and 3-line projectile barrages, however the 'machinegun-esc' spells still wont be working as is just yet, also added some support for projectiles spewing out in all directions, but again the exact way they worked in ryan's version is still up on the table to do.

aaaand I have to find a new way to code Area-of-Effect spells without using a pathed object, otherwise it wont do anything.

and I almost forgot to remove some lines from multi-tiled beams, but now theyre fixed, so yay.

there was also an instance, due to the new code method ive done that the game gave me the Thorn curse as my 'Pure Random' pick on the magics, I fixed that, sorry, no curses starting out just yet *wink*

anyway, so yeah .-.

also added Saints and Council spots to the slightly easier coding I'm working on, probably do up the recruitment NPCs so I can test that crap out.

and coding romaji text into every spell.

EDIT: sort of update(because I forgot to send message in first place), I rearranged the base house used on the map so the door only takes a 1x2 space instead of 2x2, making it slightly more efficient for me to work with, and about that much more still of a headache, because its still a 7x7 object ryan coded fully that I'm trying to literally tear a new hole >.< anyway, nap time zZz
what's this?
it looks like some goddamn buildings on this goddamn map.

it didn't go 'exactly' as planned, but it works, and I'm just left with how to go about with the Guild Buildings, oh well~

this is because of the fact that a portion of the building I kept to use for base is not the same as the houses, probably for the best tho.

anyway, since most of my weekend was spent playing games and trying to think how to fix my dilemma, I didn't do much else. but, I did go back over and fix some physical map issues, due to how ryan had did this map.

also, fun fact, every house had a Flower in the back left hand corner of it. that's all.
ok, well got Crocus Houses done, and I'm laying out the Tartarus Tunnels, OS Cave, and GH Tree.

Tart Tunnel Entrances are about 6x7, OS Cave is like 10x8, and GH Tree is about 8x8, and will be the most interesting to code out of the three.

This is due to how the icon is laid out, and the fact that its door is essentially in the middle of the structure.

but, w/e

looks like I'm on an Adventure.

so far this coding method is actually working pretty well, should probably do the GH Tree before my mental surge goes away
hey, looky what I found lying in this corner over here ;)


this seems a tidbit familiar, but still lacking a bit...
In response to Bloody m
Not trying to rush or anything just asking. How long till the game will be up? your Q&A said in 2-3w, and it's been about a month since then.
yeah... that was an oversight.

once i have the rest of the map laid out and spell/magic gains, and icon up the dragons anew i should have have only events and some guild stuff to code before itll be back up.

this mostly is a problem with how ryan mapped and coded, and trying to fix all that.

and real life gets in the way of being able to work on it nonstop

ill let you guys know when you can expect a server to be up.
Did some spell work today, not much code...

Projectile Spells for Lightning Dragon Slayer, Lightning God Slayer, Sky God Slayer, White Dragon Slayer, Sky Dragon Slayer, and finished up Melee and Projectile Spells for Lightning as far as basics

of course theres still quite the amount of work to go, but the more stuff I can chip off the 'basics' to-do list the closer ill get to popping this thing out
my day at work left me mentally drained, so today might not look good.

However, taking a look at Maguilty Sense, Reflector, Human Subordination, Gravity, Arc of Time, Sound, Slowing, and 'Ushu no Koku Mairi', or as Ive Come to call it Curse Doll

MS looks like many of its spells will end up being able to create various magical blades, similar to Maguilty Sodom, and Maguilty Rays

Reflector....well at least it will have more stuff

Gravity most likely will have a lot of annoyances

as will AoT, with the exception that AoT will most likely involve orbs, of various colors

Sound will probably draw from various ideas across anime, manga, and random other crap

Slowing will be fairly physical, but will probably give me a headache

CD will be based on the different materials that ill allow the doll to become at the users will, such as Cotton, Iron, Light, and Mist

Human Subordination will probably be the most intriguing because it mostly relies on the ability to 'control' people

I also still am not 100% sure what I'm going to do with Beast Soul/Take Over, or Satan Soul/Take Over.

most of the stuff I'm trying to get 2 spells to give for starting, ive of course made certain 'exceptions' with Gun, Ring, and Requip, but id like to avoid doing this with ALL of these magics, but I dunno, think I'm just going to nap today, my head freaking hurts...
so...Maguilty Sodom, which in anime/manga references the users faith may also refer into the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, Sodom, being the root cause of the word 'Sodomy'.

Off to a great start on my day browsing the internet for ideas...

anyway, so brief bible lesson. Sodom and Gomorrah were kingdoms in alliance with a couple cities, Admah, Zeboim, and Bela, and god tested Sodom, Gomorrah and two neighboring cities with Brimstone and Fire, only one, Bela, or Zoar survived.

So...yeah if I touch down the 'Sodom' way of this, it may infer to using Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, Bela/Zoar as various names for MS spells, of course that doesn't mean using things like 'ray','spear','blade', ect are out of the question, just...ech bible crap, reinforcing that Italian/Greco-Roman thing I mentioned earlier...

anyway, Moving a couple things from fairy tail into Sound Magic, it so far has Sound Palm, Sound Wall, Disturbed, and Howling. It is going to gain Rock of the Succubus as a Mob Summon, probably some Rocker-Groupie Girl to the style of how Juvia was transformed, put Lullaby as a thought, but then remembered the lullaby in anime was a mass-murdering thing, so maybe not.

Adding a couple things from not Fairy Tail, such as Resonating Echo Drill and Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains

elsewise right now I'm just trying to relax a bit before I kick into high gear with trying to get this thing way more done over the weekend
well, working on some more combat code now, pretty interesting stuff.

Making the Machinegun-styling of spell doesn't seem too hard without replicating a whole amount of code that shouldn't make sense...

then I looked at Zetsu's Code in Ryan's version...

this spell creates 34 objects, 25 of which are at the users location, and the other nine seem to be 'randomly' placed all around in an area about 5 out from the user(they however all have specific locations in the code), they they pick a random spot out anywhere up to 6 away in both directions, and goes that way, then walks randomly...

ok, so without trying to create a lot of unnecessary code intentionaly for this kind of spell, I broke it into creating 25 objects at the users location, then 9 in random locations around them, they then all pick a direction at random and walk that way, looks about the same amount of insane, honestly.
alright, ran some quick test with Mob Summon, and I have two versions running now, the basic 'summon one' version, and a Horde Summon version, which will create 1 mob, +1 for every increment of 400 of mp you have total, so at 2800 you should have an additional 7 mobs, each spawns in a random location out up to 4 spaces from the user in all directions

taking slight mental break because I cant get my music to stay playing for long enough for me to concentrate
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