Obviously I have no control over BYOND. I'm merely putting in words what my plan of action would be if I were magically put in charge of BYOND at this very moment.
My priority would be to put the power back into the hands of talented developers, rather than letting the system be victim to the hordes immature players and "rips". Trying to allow complete freedom is the mistake that has corrupted the system.
Here are the steps that I would take:
Abolish the ranking system.
Big surprise.
Re-enable the pager for all users.
It still makes no sense to me that one of the most useful and basic features of BYOND was made Membership Exclusive. And no-- the BYOND Staff did not originally remove this feature due to server stress.
Re-evaluate the published games channels.
Only about 10-20% of the published games deserve to be published.
Promote published games
Published games ought to have a much more official looking hub entry, complete with screenshots, reviews etc. These hub entries would be featured in a way that they'd be the first games that any new user saw.
Re-enable automated paypal subscriptions for published games
BYOND currency was one of the system's best features. It allowed game developers to set up a way to sell their games without hassle. Bringing this system back for published games would be an absolute must.
Abolish guilds
The BYOND Staff insists on releasing half-baked and half-finished new features and then forgetting about them for months/years. This policy would definitely have to change.
Replace BYOND Member blogs with BYOND Member webspace.
Quality BYOND Member sites would be featured on the main BYOND site. All remnants of the BYOND Member main listing would be wiped out.
Take a no-nonsense approach to banning
As it stands, BYOND Bans are a joke. If you apologize, you can get your ban removed an unlimited number of times. If you change your key and come back a month later, the mods will let it slide. Also, BYONDers are giving a ton of warnings before they are even banned in the first place.
I'm all for treating users fairly; but not to the point where it bogs down the system. Moderators would have a clear, CLEAR set of guidelines to follow, and users would know exactly where the line was.
Revamp the "Classified Ads" forum
All posts in this forum would be reviewed by a staff member before becoming visible. This would get rid of all the junk and clutter in that area.
Actively hunt down all "rips" and ban the people who make them
Why are we letting the "rip" community flourish? Destroying the rips and the culture of laziness that they create would be my top priority.
Put an end to the culture of elitism around here.
The majority of the Gurus have never made a good game... so why do people revere them? Why are BYOND Members called "the elite" of BYOND? Because they shelled out 15 bucks?
We should be celebrating our talented developers and quality games, not patting someone on the back for helping out DBZKID12 on the code problems forum. Instead BYOND breeds mediocrity and developers who care more about being liked by the community than making a quality game.
Well, that's enough for now.
![]() Nov 6 2006, 10:06 am
I was hoping this blog post would have a bit more content. You don't elaborate on any of the challenges faced by the BYOND community, or why your plan of action would handle these challenges better than the staff's current plan. It seems to me that you are preaching to the converted, because I, as a person with an opposing view, don't understand the rational behind these points, and I would have liked to :/
wouldn't work....I like your ideas(almost all of them), but to do that would require time that the BYOND developers simply don't have. They're busy enough just running around trying to fix the bugs and problems of BYOND, and on top of that, updating the outdated systems, and even putting in a few new features. What we(the concerned BYOND members like yourself) need to do is give them(developers) more time to continue to make BYOND greater, and eventually they will get to the underlying problems.
The purpose of BYOND has always been to create a more accessible venue for anyone with the desire to create a game to be able to pursue those desires. The people on this website aren't professionals, and probably never will be. Expecting a high level of quality from amateurish work is unreasonable.
That doesn't matter, though, because the point of BYOND isn't to get a bunch of intellectuals together to make quality games for one another to enjoy. The community's user-driven, and I think that's how the BYOND staff would like to keep it. What you're proposing's more of a GameSpot.com (I think that's the website?) for indie games. You want a review site, not a community. That's not inherently bad, mind you - review sites have their place. It's just not what I (or most other users, more likely than not) want to interact with when I log on to BYOND. I appreciate the personal nature of the site. The fact that I can design, develop, submit, and host my own bloody game without ever having to deal with the administration directly is a plus in my opinion. If I had to sweat everytime I added my game to the Hub because it might not meet BYOND's "Quality Control" standards (and thus negating dozens of months of hard work), I'd never come back, nor would the bulk of the userbase. Thankfully, the only quality control we have right now is popularity. If people like your game, they'll play it, and it will show up in the Live Games. If not, it'll collect dust in the Hub. That's how it ought to be - players decide for themselves what they enjoy, instead of having their games spoonfed to them by people with inflated opinions of their gaming preferences. I loathe Dragonball and Naruto as much as the next reasonable individual, but I recognize the presence of a high number of individuals who do not share my opinion. That's fine with me - they can play their games and it won't hurt me a bit. The worst thing that occurs in that situation is my having to sort through an entire 3 pages of unpublished games to see if there's anything I'd enjoy playing. Maybe it's just me, but... that's not really that bad. There's a need for the BYOND community and its personal touch. On the other hand, I believe there's a need for something closer to your ideals too - a formal review system that does pick out the proverbial cream of the crop and publicize them to the community. I just think they ought to be seperate, much like government and religion. This isn't the first time I've seen hints that something like a review site needs to be created. You're a clever fellow and I imagine you could get people to follow you if you weren't so impassioned about your opinions. Why not found something along those lines? It's a viable solution to the "problem" presented, and it still lets everyone else keep their beloved, twisted community. Just my two cents. (I make the claim of knowing what BYOND's intended purpose is. I draw these ideas from the blurbs posted on various sections of BYOND's website, and from my own impressions of the administration. While I think I'm right, you might disagree... which is cool. It's just my opinion, and I realize it may be completely off.) (Probably isn't, though. =P) |
His plan of action isn't really that far away from where BYOND was a couple years ago though.
Disturbed Puppy:
What we(the concerned BYOND members like yourself) need to do is give them(developers) more time to continue to make BYOND greater, and eventually they will get to the underlying problems. First off, let me clarify that I'm not picking on you, so don't take it as that. The whole "there isn't enough time" thing is a load of crap. One thing that the BYOND Staff is good at is making excuses. They've brilliantly put the idea into everyone's head that things are bad around here because "they don't have time" to deal with it. That is not the case. A lot of the changes that would improve things dramatically would take them a day or two worth of effort. How did the Members blogs, Guilds or the recent removal of hub forums happen if the BYOND Staff doesn't have time to deal with stuff? The real problem is that they don't KNOW how to fix the problems. A contributing factor is that certain members of the BYOND Staff leadership no longer care about the system, and want to wash their hands of it. I completely understand real life intervening... hence all of the Acheron's Awakening delays. That said, BYOND problems are not due to a lack of availablity on the part of the staff. BYOND is systematically getting worse and worse. |
Evre wrote:
Expecting a high level of quality from amateurish work is unreasonable. I've never considered my work "amateurish", and I'm sure that developers such as Deadron or Unknown Person feel the same way. I expect quality, because all that it takes is effort. Evre wrote: What you're proposing's more of a GameSpot.com (I think that's the website?) for indie games. You want a review site, not a community. I think that you've misread my post. That is not the case. |
One other thing to add, Disturbed Puppy:
Why are people willing to hand over $15 for a membership to BYOND if the staff isn't willing/capable of putting in time to improve things? Would the BYOND Staff really have the audacity to take people's money if that were the case? |
"And no-- the BYOND Staff did not originally remove this feature due to server stress."
Okay, you're right. You know what stresses the hub and what doesn't because you have access to that information. "The whole "there isn't enough time" thing is a load of crap. One thing that the BYOND Staff is good at is making excuses. They've brilliantly put the idea into everyone's head that things are bad around here because "they don't have time" to deal with it. That is not the case." I'd think you of all people could relate. You can't even finish your game within months of several expected relase dates, but you're going to say that the BYOND Staff, who probably have busier lives than you do, actually do have the time fix everything instantly. |
Four of them, actually.
Actively hunt down all "rips" and ban the people who make them I'd like to know how this would help BYOND, especially when it seems to me that it would hurt very much. There is a certain "culture of laziness" around ripping, but that's only a side effect. Naruto has a vast number of fans searching the internet for games to play. N-Bottles, itself a rip, is bringing many new users into the system; imagin the combined power off all of these rips. I'm of the opinion that a substancial block of Plunder Gnome's user base was brought in via ripping. Instead of abolishing anything Naruto or DBZ based, why not focus on integrating these users into the system? New users are the life blood of any community, and it seems your plan would do a great deal to stagnate us. I mention abolishing anything Naruto based, because there's no clear way to judge wether or not something is a 'rip'. Xzdog himself released the Izou source, so do the 'rippers' do wrong by using it? Do 'legitimate' Naruto games do wrong by making fan material, which really belongs to the makers of the Naruto series? I would like to know how you would address all of the myriad details surrounding the buzzword. Abolish guilds Have you considered the reasons behind the staff's plan for guilds? I understand that you feel the current system to be 'half-baked' (a position I sympathize with), but you have provided no analysis of how the current implementation has failed to achieve these goals, or how aborting the project half way through would be of any benefit to the community. Abolish the ranking system. We all understand that the ranking system is not highlighting the quality games we would like it to. But why wail against such a boon? The ranking system has exposed a great truth about the BYOND website and community, one which we should all be taking advantage of. I believe our efforts would be better put into learning how to tap into this vast fan base, than spent breaking apart a useful diagnostic tool. The ranking system is passive, it shows what is happing within the community; I suggest investigating the active mechanisms behind the poor results we all see. Put an end to the culture of elitism around here. Like 'rip' and 'ripper', 'elitism' is a very nebulous term, at once concrete in our minds and very hard to define. That being said, limiting Elitism, especially the type which attacks new users, is a noble goal. I would like to see a strategy that the community as a whole, and especially the 'Gurus' individually, can take to help minimize elitism, the logic behind such a strategy, and how it would be superior to our communities current practices. Also, please remember that 'Gurus' arn't just the developers. There are people who are seen as 'Guru' just for the efforts to build community, and there are Gurus who have just been around for a long time and people like to play games with them. It doesn't take a prolific programming career to be a mature user who contributes positively to the community. |
Clarification: I was typing all that time, and did not read any of the posts between Silk's original and my new one. My post should not be seen as commentary or a responce to any of them.
JimmyWimmy wrote:
I'd think you of all people could relate. You can't even finish your game within months of several expected relase dates, but you're going to say that the BYOND Staff, who probably have busier lives than you do, actually do have the time fix everything instantly. Like Silk said...he probably could release AA as it is right now, but he wouldn't have the audacity to take peoples money for an incomplete product. |
IainPeregrine wrote:
Clarification: I was typing all that time, and did not read any of the posts between Silk's original and my new one. My post should not be seen as commentary or a responce to any of them. Cool... just give me a bit to read through them! |
JimmyWimmy wrote:
Okay, you're right. You know what stresses the hub and what doesn't because you have access to that information. Let's see here... what do I have for you in my box of ownage? Oh yes, a quote from Tom! Tom wrote: "While it does accrue some server overhead and issues (such as rampant spamming), those were not central to the decision of pulling it. Rather, like you inferred, we needed extra incentives for users to subscribe. While I would prefer to introduce pay-per features rather than pulling them, it's just not practical given our timeline." |
IainPeregrine wrote:
Naruto has a vast number of fans searching the internet for games to play. N-Bottles, itself a rip, is bringing many new users into the system; imagin the combined power off all of these rips. Okay, first up: you're right that Naruto draws in users. So does advertising on the internet. BYOND is a very attractice concept, and doesn't need Naruto rips to help promote it. That said, Dragon Warrior Online was not a rip, and it brought it tons and tons of new users. If a Naruto game that wasn't a rip existed, it would do the same thing. Elminating the rips merely clears the way for quality games. |
"Put an end to the culture of elitism around here."
That's all I need to quote. |
Replace BYOND Member blogs with BYOND Member webspace. These three should be grouped into one category as they are essentially the 'make SilkWizard's opinion more visible and everyone else's not' points. I do, however, commend you on your anti-troll stance- it's admirable! I'd advise you to have a little more self-preservation though. |
You're probably right - I'm probably inserting what I think would solve alot of the problems some users have with BYOND into your post as an imagined undertone.
What I'm seeing, though, is that you would rather see the bulk of BYOND games be cut away completely, and leave only the quality games. The changes you're suggesting seem like they would completely break down the community as it exists now and make it cold and unwelcoming to anyone who doesn't meet the established standards. I'll try and readdress each issue in turn in the hopes of communicating myself a bit better. Abolish the ranking system. It reflects what the vast majority of users feel ought to be seen. If a bad game makes the rankings, it's the users' fault, not the system's. Re-enable the pager for all users. It's useful, but not necessary. I used BYOND for a long time without the pager. Making it a pay perk generates more income for BYOND to keep running (not necessarily develop new features - gotta keep things around before you can improve them.) Re-evaluate the published game channels. I was under the impression that "Published Games" were just finished games. Am I misinformed? Promote published games. Agreed. Re-enable automated paypal subscriptions for published games. Subscriptions are nice, but usually not necessary to keep games running. I don't miss the BYONDime economy and all the dishonest users that came with it. Abolish guilds. Having not used them, I've no opinion on this topic. Replace BYOND Member blogs with BYOND Member webspace. I like the blogs. I've had free webspace given to me with memberships to places before and I simply haven't used them because I'm not a web designer and have no interest in spending an extravagant amount of time on a site hardly anyone's going to see. Blogs use less bandwidth, anyway. Take a no non-sense approach to banning. I wholeheartedly agree here. I've met more than one user who's been "BYOND Banned" before and is just using a different key or got the ban lifted somehow. Revamp the "Classified Ads" forum. Don't frequent these, so I don't have an opinion. Actively hunt down all "rips" and ban the people who make them. It's my understanding that alot of the "rips" that exist on BYOND right now weren't always rips. The child who wrote the source shared it with a friend or someone offering to help with the game. In the inevitable falling out that occurs a month or so later, the parties part ways on less than friendly terms, and the child demands their source back, even though it was freely given to the friend. The whole "rip" community's mostly just children who are playing their primary school games with one another. I think sectioning them off into their own little corner of BYOND's well enough - once they've matured and realize how ridiculous they've been, they can start contributing games to the rest of the community, instead of just the other children. Put an end to the culture of elitism around here. Welcome to the internet. There will always be people who think they're better than someone else. I'm sure you hold yourself above Zeta rippers, and feel justified in doing so because they participate in an act you disagree with vehemently. Several of your posts have an "elitist" air about them. Many of mine do, too - it's just how people are. It occurs to me that the biggest problem you have with BYOND is all the children flooding it and influencing the community in a negative manner, and the subsequent inaction of the administration concerning these troubles. There is, of course, also your issue with how BYOND's website's being handle, but we'll just have to agree to disagree there. Maybe that cleared something up? Probably not - I'm not very articulate this afternoon. |