The Wii has all kiddie games, like mario and stuff. The more real, and fun games really come out like final fantasy and halo on the more serious consoles like XBox and ps3
I ain't a fan of Nintendo or Microsoft. I've only had a SNES, PSX, and PS2 in my lifetime.

But Wii's games sure as hell didn't look "kiddie" Red Steel anyone? Seriously, I don't see how a system could be "kiddie" in the end. Usually all consoles try to be open in terms of grabbing audiences. They want moneys ya know.

Halo? Personally, I see it as a generic FPS. Final Fantasy? Christ, let it die already Square!
Knifo sucks
you suck
"more real, and fun games" "more serious consoles"

But those are the qualities you are looking for... Many people do not think like that about it... A fun game = a fun game, regardless of how "serious" or "real" it is...
I have said it before and I will say it again, Nintendo makes consoles and games for the WHOLE family. Not just the children, not just the teen agers, not just the 20 year old still living up stairs. They aim to please every age group while NOT excluding any specific one.

You seem to be confusing "family friendly" and "for kids". This is easy to do because the media normally lumps "for kids" and "family friendly" together, but I have to tell you, they are very different.
I'm ashamed that it took so long for me to realize that Knifo is just trolling with these posts.
The more real games like final fantasy and halo...

o.o;; Riiight.
I used to play such games when I was younger (in SNES days, and was 5 1/2 years old when we go it for Christmas), and I still do to this day. Even my parents played such games, so, age doesn't matter for mario games (unless you're talking about the preschool games, such as learning Pre-K related material). >=|

Thats like calling Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry kiddie. If you want to see real kiddie, go play some games (like Freddi Fish) or watch some TV shows (like Barney the Purple Dinosaur :X).
Zeldas kiddie? I know TP is probably WAAAAAAAY overhyped but it still doesn't look "kiddie". Seriously. And Halo sucks.

EDIT: And what about Super Smash Bros. Brawl? That looks freaking AWESOME!!
Sarm-"I'm ashamed that it took so long for me to realize that Knifo is just trolling with these posts."

haha, i know iv been posting alot lately, i thought, i bougth this thing, i might as well use it to see what other people think of my opinions. It's pretty fun, you should try it more often :P

So you say the Wii is just kiddie games, eh? Heres some of the titles that are going to be launched with the Wii:

Call of Duty 3
The Godfather
Mortal Kombat : Armageddon
Blazing Angels : Squadrons of WWII
Far Cry : Vengance
Prince of Persia
Red Steel
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Double Agent

Those aren't looking too much like kiddie games to me. Granted, there are also a lot of Wii launch games that are based for a younger age, but to classify the whole system as nothing but kiddie games is downright ignorant.
Don't judge something that isn't even on the market yet

You all are talknig about a system you havn't even played yet.
You know, I complain about people not visiting my page too, Knifo. At least you do something about it. You're smart :(
I have to agree completely. Final Fantasy needs to die.