BYOND Version:511.1376
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Firefox 51.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
If we trying to write ban.txt thourgh APP prefix(SetConfig("APP/ban", ..., ...)) into dmidir/cfg directory, then it just not works. Also GetConfig not reading information from dmidir/cfg/ban.txt too.
The problem is still actual when we re using HOME/ban prefix. The problem is same on linux and windows OS.

But SetConfig("APP/admin", ..., ...) works!

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Try to save any ban information by SetConfig("APP/ban", ..., ...) to dmidir/cfg/ban.txt or read by GetConfig from dmidir/cfg/ban.txt
Uhgm. So?
GetConfig/SetConfig has historically been pretty funky with the APP/ namespace. I wrote a library a long time ago ( to make it work. No idea if it still works or not, but it has been known-broken at least as of 2006.