Today's update was fairly small but addressed a few major issues people have brought up.
The first being how horrible the TAB-based target selection system is, it basically only worked for either players or NPCs based on what key you pressed, which was fine on the RP version where other players rarely attacked you and you rarely attacked NPCs, and even rarer, doing both at the same time.
This update changes it to make any hostiles, whether they be player or NPC counted the same, it also simplifies the whole system.
Pressing TAB alone will cycle through hostiles in view in one direction, and SHIFT+TAB will cycle through them the other direction. Pressing CTRL+TAB will target the last enemy to inflict damage on you.
The next issue was the lack of items to restore mana, so I went ahead and added a set of mana potions you can buy. Keep in mind, mana potions aren't cheap like food, and they have a hefty cooldown that will also prevent you from using food.
There's also been a few other types of potions added as loot to various monsters, as well as a fourth tier of mana potion that cannot be bought in the shops. These potions include (but are not limited to): Strength Potions, Agility Potions, Magic Damage Potions, Giant Form Potions, and Invisibility Potions that reduce the chance of an NPC spotting you when you're near it.
![]() Mar 8 2017, 5:18 pm