Problem description:How would I code the ability for a mob to walk into a turf only from certain directions and make so a mob can only exit that same turf from certain directions? |
Could you expand about what you mean by Bitflags? Or at least, how you suggest to use bitflags in this situation?
DarkLordZargog wrote:
Could you expand about what you mean by Bitflags? Or at least, how you suggest to use bitflags in this situation? Instead of a list variable containing the allowed directions, you'd use a variable with key flags toggled on: // allow /turf/example turfs to only allow entrance from the north side Checking would look like:
if(some_movable.dir & allowed_directions)
Could you put that in a format as if you were writing it out for a turf? Just so I can see it put together into a code. I only say that because when I put it together it still didn't register what i'm trying to get it to do, so maybe my formatting was incorrect in this sense.
If you want to include diagonals in the list of allowed entrances, a different way of handling bitflags is called for. That's beyond the scope of this post. For the purposes of this post, I assume using just the cardinal directions is sufficient. In which case: turf/directional The == d check is because if you allow north but not west, then entry from the northwest should be forbidden. |
If I wanted to replicate that same effect but for Exit() what would I need to call to get_dir?
Exit() (and Enter()) has a second argument, which refers to the "new loc" that the mover is trying to move to.
turf/directional |
Now I have one last question: How would I call it so even if the direction isn't passable, you could still pass through it if your density = 0.
Just include a density check at the beginning. If density is 0 (use the ! operator) return 1.
Then you'd set the passable list to a list of directions like list(NORTH,SOUTH,WEST)