The bank will persist across remakes.

The next thing I'm planning to look at is revising and simplifying the targeting system, a lot of clutter from the RP code bogged the system down so it's probably easier to just write it over again, thankfully I already know what I want and it's a fairly straight forward thing.
Basically how it'll work is pressing tab will cycle forwards between valid hostile targets in view, shift+tab will cycle backwards. Ctrl+tab will automatically target the last thing that inflicted damage to you.
The target list will always have the last 5 things that have caused you damage at the top.
Beyond that I'm going to begin working on on a few different PVP events, the first one being bounties.
The bounty event will select the player online who has the highest kill/death ratio and place a bounty on their head, they'll be forced into PVP mode until they either die or log out. Anyone who attacks the bounty during this time will be open to retaliation from the bounty regardless of whether they're in a safe zone, or have PVP mode disabled. This will last until the bounty kills them unless they attack the bounty again.
Killing the bounty will provide a very large reward in both experience and crowns, and anyone the bounty kills during this time will provide them with a similarly enhanced reward.
If the bounty logs out, someone else is selected.
The event will last an hour, or until the bounty is killed, whichever comes first.
The next PVP event on my list is the Arena, this will be a means for players to partake in various types of PVP in a controlled environment. There will be various events that happen in the Arena, some will be player-initiated, some will be automated.
The first four planned are: Free-for-all PVP (automated), Party Deathmatch (player initiated), 1v1 (player initiated), and Guild Deathmatch.
Stay tuned, and thanks for playing!