Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I'd like an appearance flag to stretch screen objects when using screen_loc = "x1,y1 to x2,y2" syntax rather than tile them.

Primary for filling the entire game window with a large (480x480) screen object in a way that is client.view agnostic
Better option than an appearance flag, why not:

"X1%,Y1% to X2%,Y2%" save a flag, comply with anchors.

"WEST+0%,SOUTH+0% to EAST+0%,NORTH+0%"

"CENTER-25%,SOUTH+25% to CENTER+25%,NORTH-25%"


"LEFT+10%,BOTTOM+10% to RIGHT-10%,BOTTOM-10%"

Albeit, I FUCKING HATE the fact that we use composite strings for this kind of thing, but it's a thing that's already a standard in the language.
In response to Ter13
I like your idea. Also I agree about the strings.
Death to those composite string things. Gurghhhh.
Putting this on my list to look at for 512.