The bank update got pushed back a few days due to some personal issues that arose during the week but I'm back on track now, that should only be a few days down the road.
In the meantime I went ahead and completed a partially complete feature that quests had that allowed for repeatable quests running on intervals, and used it to add a few quests that can be repeated every 24 hours (you don't have to be online for this counter to expire), and one that is a 48-hour timer. We'll probably introduce quests with more intervals down the road as well.
With this I also introduced Daily Tokens, which you earn as you complete various quests. When you've earned 15 tokens you can open the Mystery Box, which is found in every town. RP server players recognize the Mystery Box, and it functions much the same here, outside of the once-per-day limitation.
The Mystery Box will give you a random item from one of four loot tiers, "Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", and "Legendary", each containing better items than the last. The loot tables are a bit sparse right now, but we'll introduce more to them as content comes in to add.
The new quests are already live, enjoy!
Next week I'll get the bank stuff live and get some fire under Chance's butt to add more items into the world.
I've also been taking feedback from people, figuring out what's keeping people from sticking around early on and the most common issue is that it's just too damn hard to level up early on, even with quests. As such I've bumped up the experience rates most things in the game, including quests. Not quite to RP-server levels, but it's a pretty healthy step up.
![]() Feb 26 2017, 1:46 am
![]() Feb 28 2017, 1:30 pm
I think a larger variety of mobs and obtainable items would make people stick around a bit more. Currently there isn't much. I do enjoy the quests though.
A gentler application of Subscription requirements may be.. appropriate, as well. That you can loot sub-only items is frustrating, and the dearth of aesthetically pleasing attire available to non-subs is rather unpleasant.
The races I can understand, but some leniency there would be nice, too. Subs could simply level faster? Be able to do dailies more often, with less of an item requirement? Or they could gain more from them? A means of money-making is a necessity, so I do "get it", but adding new features for subs rather than gating basic things behind subscribing can quickly turn off players both new and old. |