The name 'Ten Commandments' is mentioned a couple times in the Bible. Here is one of them:
Yes - in reference to the 'ritual decalogue', as you describe them. The other set is never described as The Ten Commandments - at least, not in the KJV. Of course, that's what you get for translating a book through three different languages. A book written by several different people, nonetheless.
That is how it used to be with the old covenant.
I still think you're not following me - basically, God did something horribly and utterly unethical and immoral. God has blood on his hands.
Regardless of whether he later decides to 'change the rules', he has done numerous bad things - and the New Testament has worse, because that's where the doctrine of Hell comes into it, and that's a massively nasty barrel of fish.
Those nations burned their children in honor of false gods, practiced sodomy and bestiality, among many other disgusting things.
What's wrong with sodomy? None of my business if two consenting adults decide to have sex. Bestiality is a different issue, because an animal can't give consent. If it could, and did, I'd see no problem with that.
I find it amusing that you added 'in honour of false gods'. Surely burning children is enough?
Except I suppose the Israelites burnt all their children. At least, killed them. But that was for the real, honest-to-god, true god! So that's alright then.
And you dodged my question - do you support the practice of genocide when the genocidees are immoral, in your eyes? Because that's what your defence of the OT is implying.
Think of it like this: Police are not allowed to invade one's home according to law. However, an officer may get a warrant from a judge to enter the home. Is this officer breaking the law? Of course not.
So God doesn't have to follow his own rules? That explains a lot.
If someone tells you that x, y, and z are ethical, you expect them to do x, y, and z. If they say they can't because they're trying to police you, clearly there's a problem with the rules, isn't there?
Either that, or they're a immoral hypocrite. I'm leaning towards that explanation for God, considering the quantity of supporting evidence.
The first point you bring up:
- 'I bet that hardly any of the religious fanatics what day the sabbath it. >.>
For those wondering, it's Saturday. Sunday is the beginning of the week and Monday is the beginning of the working week.'
Who ever said the sabbath is on Sunday? It hasn't changed. It has always been Saturday. This is basic knowledge.
- '"You must not work on the Sabbath" - People who do work are condemmed to death.'
Thankfully following the sabbath is no longer needed!
Second point:
- '"Thou shalt not kill" and as JP mentioned, a person was stoned for picking up sticks because he didn't obey "Gods law." CONTRADICTION!'
Think of it like this: Police are not allowed to invade one's home according to law. However, an officer may get a warrant from a judge to enter the home. Is this officer breaking the law? Of course not.
Not really a point, but for better organization:
- 'You tend to stop giving a fuck when a "man of god" comes into your class room and says: "Who here has ever gone into a shop, asked for a milky way and never recieved it? Well, did you know, that if you pray to god, before walking into the shop, you will get one?"'
To be honest, that is pretty stupid.