Now that the quest update is out of the way, and easily expanded on (as hinted to by the nearly 30 quests in the game since it was introduced) and before I move on to PVP events such as bounties, and arena duels I wanted to address one of the main issues in the game right now -- item storage.
All this grinding has people gaining quite a bit of loot, and selling it back to the NPCs isn't very worthwhile and it's not exactly easy to find players to sell them to (that will be addressed with the marketplace update, more on that in a later post), so people have taken to creating accounts just for storing their items which is pretty inconvenient.
The bank has been a planned feature since day-one, but the need for it is becoming more and more apparent so it edged its way up a few spots on my priority list, it'll be a basic place to store your items and crowns until you need them. Space will be limited to around 75 slots for non-subscribers and 150 slots for subscribers, with the possibility of methods of expanding on these amounts in the future. Stacks of items only take a single slot.
Bank contents will persist between characters, so items stored will not be deleted when you delete your character, and once multiple character slots are introduced the bank will be an easy means of sharing items between your characters without relying on leaving the item on the ground or having another player hold on to it.
Bank NPCs will be found in every town, and even a few non-town locales, with the bank information obviously being shared between them.
This addition will take some of the sting out of getting killed by another player, and on the adverse end open the door for harsher death penalties all -around for those who don't remember to bank their goods often. Dying right now is fairly pain-free and that's not usually how PVP/PVE games operate, we're just being nice since there's not many options for saving your goods.
Beyond the bank update, as noted above, I plan to begin work on some PVP events that I'll outline in my next developer log post, and even further beyond that we've already started planning out the first of the basic-type dungeons.
Once a decent amount of content is in place to keep people busy for a bit I'll start to shift focus to projects that take more than a week or two to complete, towards more long-term goals like properly instanced dungeons and supporting larger numbers of players as demand increases. I've already done a considerable amount of optimization behind the scenes to address a lot of the performance issues that have plagued the RP server for a long time (and passed along my findings to the programmers there), and I'm confident I can further streamline things out to make some pretty interesting things possible without totally ruining the game's performance for everyone.
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed, and bought credits since we've gone live, this project is my sole source of income at the moment and at this point in development it's more about supporting the project than gaining a lot of benefits, and both of us working on this highly appreciate the support.
Keep checking back, the game is progressing quite rapidly with most major updates taking approximately a week or two, I've also started keeping track of my specific changes and fixes on the in-game changes log again (it was too much stuff to detail previously) so people who do play the game will be able to keep up with more detailed changes as they happen, I usually patch with fixes and tweaks once a day.
![]() Feb 22 2017, 2:32 am