Late last night I received a reply from my e-mail to Hedgemistress. I asked her for permission to use the ideas presented in "Through a Glass Darkly", and she gave that permission with only a few minor stipulations.

So the project appropriately rests squarely on my shoulders, now. Next step in the process is setting up a comprehensive design document. I'll be using PBWiki to house my information (and a backup copy of Hedgemistress' documentation to reference more easily). Some more definites about the game;

* This game will be roleplay enforced. I don't plan on allowing downloads, so expect to have to deal with the administrative tactics you so enjoyed during your stay on my SS13 server.

* The setting is modern-day, within a large city. Particularly the game will focus on one or two sections of the city (which I'm thinking of calling "Clennon".)

* Major map areas will include A nightclub; Graveyard; Park; Hotel; Sewers; University; and probably a few other important areas I haven't named yet.

* There will be magic. Its use will not be widespread, and the general public won't know about it, much like they don't know about the rest of the supernatural world.

* Psychics, Vampires, Werecreatures, Demons, Androids, Robots, and a few other oddities will be playable character types (along with 'normal' humans).

* The combat system's still in a heavily abstract state, however it will necessitate roleplay above "player skill". This is to discourage unnecessary and unroleplayed PvP from occurring.

* Combat will be turn based, and probably interactive with the environment in which it's happening.

* Characters will be both graphically and descriptively customizable on a greater scale than usual. Players will be able to choose from a pool of body parts to mix and match and create their character - descriptions will be generated from these selections and added onto later through player choices. Character portraits may come into play with a similiar system of customization, using a few base faceshapes and letting players "Mr. Potato Head" features onto them.

* There will be a chase system to facilitate conflict during extended movement. More on this later.

* The working title for the game will be "The Sun's Shadows".

I'll link the Wiki when I've got something worth reading up there. In the meantime, I'm still up for some help wherever you may wish to provide it.
Sounds good!
As long as I'm an Android, and I'm superior to every other Android because I'm Data.
Cool. I really liked the idea of TaGD. I'm not sure I would have ever played the game but I love to play with the concept.
DarkView wrote:
Cool. I really liked the idea of TaGD. I'm not sure I would have ever played the game but I love to play with the concept.

I'd enjoy hearing some of your ideas, if you'd like to share them. The benefits of being in the early design phase is that the game's terribly maleable and easily influenced. The drawbacks, of course, are that I still have to get around to designing it. <_<