The Great Pink Holiday is behind us, and now the Great Green Holiday looms ahead. You know, when you think about it, our holiday schedule kind of encourages binge drinking starting at Halloween and ending right around the official start of spring. Coincidence, or alien conspiracy? Somebody call Jesse Ventura and that guy with the hair.
Today version 511.1374 has been released, with a few rather important bug fixes. A problem was found with the way map cells are handled on the server, parallel animations had a couple of issues, and now ANIMATION_RELATIVE is available as a new feature. (ANIMATION_RELATIVE is handled server-side, so it doesn't require a client update. But because of the aforementioned bugs, a client update is a good idea anyway.)
The parallel animation bugs in particular were kind of nasty, and I found them rather by accident. If you read the bug forums you may recall there was already an issue open for ANIMATION_PARALLEL having problems, but after searching for a test case we all came to the conclusion that the real problem was that people expected changes to be relative when they weren't, and the new ANIMATION_RELATIVE flag would be a fix for that. Right after I got that implemented, I had an idea for a cool visual trick you could do with parallel animations (and there will be a post on that at some point), and in trying out that idea I discovered not one but two actual bugs with parallel animations--for which I now had a test case!
The big server issue I mentioned with map cells seems to have affected some branches of SS13, so I also hope that will see a big improvement.
Chasing bugs has put me off a couple of issues that are still high on my to-do list, namely some site changes I mentioned last week, and also an improvement to the way gamepad setup is handled. So everything I said last time that hasn't happened yet, that's still way up there.
This is a three-day weekend for some of you, so if you have Monday off, why not make the most of it and get started on that awesome game you always had in mind? Why not a fun hack-and-slash Roguelike? You know you want to. And while you're at it, dig through the couch and send that change BYOND's way for a little support. As for me, I'll be working Monday, because I don't take bank holidays off.
![]() Feb 17 2017, 2:25 pm
![]() Feb 17 2017, 2:48 pm
Monday is my birthday! :D
So what would the ETA on those website changes be? I have some great ideas on what I could do with said changes
Argon999 wrote:
Take time with your family you only have one family ![]() He has his IRL family and his BYOND family. That's 2 families. |
Argon999 wrote:
Do you know him in real life Yes I know in real life hes the person who founded BYOND |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Argon999 wrote: Lummox is the owner and lead developer of BYOND now, but let's not forget Dan and Tom ("Dantom") who founded BYOND back in the day (here's a reference from the Blue Book): |