As such I thought it fitting to make sure Sly was kept around for the quest redesign, and figured he would be the first NPC to get his new duds.
For this week's developer log, I give you the beginner's Yokai Hunter quest-line.

As you see, the quests not only provide you with a nice chunk of experience and money for your early game murderfest, they also give you some low-level experience scrolls to speed things along.
The new interface will allow you to see all of the quests an NPC has to offer, and will let you know if you can do them (green), or not (red), clicking the quest will bring up additional information and specifics as to why you cannot do the quest if the requirements aren't met.
Quests that are in-progress will be shown in a third color to make them apparent.
The player quest book is the next step in the process, this interface will be vastly more expansive than the current quest listing, it will show you all the quests you have in progress and have completed as well as letting you view details on each quest such as how far along you are.
A feature I'd like to add but haven't quite decided on how to implement yet is adding an on-screen tracker that will let you tag a specific quest to show the requirements for it right where you can see them.
Initially these quests will be basic 'kill [x] monsters' and 'collect [x] items for me' types, but that's just so we can quickly add some basic content to the game but they will expand into other types as other content is added to allow for said types.
The next Developer Log: The quest book and my plans for banking and the marketplace.