var/mob/player/P = usr
var/obj/O = obj
var/obj/GUI/I = new /obj/GUI("",O.icon,O.icon_state)
I.plane = 8
I.maptext = "<font size=\"2\" color=\"black\" align=\"left\"> []"
I.maptext_width = 128
I.maptext_height = 32
I.screen_loc = "1,1"
P.client.screen += I
animate(I, maptext_y=56,pixel_y = 56, time = 80)
spawn(50) animate(I, alpha = 0, time = 30)
spawn(80) {del I}
name = "[Name]"
icon = Icon
icon_state = IconState
screen_loc = "1,1"
transform = matrix(ScrX,ScrY,MATRIX_TRANSLATE)
if(Size) transform *= Size
Problem description:
I am trying to improve user interface by making some basic item pickup report. It seems I cannot animate the pixel_x or pixel_y positin on screen objects to me because this works with other objects just fine and even the maptext on screen objects just not for the graphics.