(See the best response by Lummox JR.)

Problem description:

Evening guys. I've been working on my first project quite a bit and have been moved from skins to HUDs now. Long story short, I still want to use the bars from skin without clogging up my original one too much, so I want to ask whether it is possible to create some elements of skins (notably the bar) on runtime, so that when the fighting hud pops up I can create that thing right when I need it.

Besides, anyone know a guide to prerendering 3D objects into icons for DM as well as tools? Would be pretty welcome!
You could make the bars invisible until the mob logs in, other than that I wouldn't know of a way to actually create the elements on runtime.
Thanks man, I'll do it that way.
Best response
Yes, you can create new controls at runtime. You'll need these params in a winset:

parent (the ID of the window or pane holding it)
type (the control type, in this case "bar")

The skin reference should have more info on this.