Ghost of ET wrote:
Lummox. Can you condense that or something its 2 damn long. Now and then you need to give someone a good Fisking. But okay, let's bring it down to most relevant points. 1) "Whites weren't enslaved" is historically wrong, even when only considering American history. 2) Reparations to Jews and to Japanese Americans were under very different conditions, were quantifiable, and had identifiable victims and perpetrators alike. 3) Avid keeps saying "This is not up for debate" and "This is a fact" without realizing that the former is bogus and as for the latter he's not presenting any facts relevant to his point. He's either presenting a lot of historical facts that don't say anything about present day, or anecdotes of anecdotes of anecdotes. 4) Some of the things Avid goes on about as prima facie evidence of racism are wildly illegal and carry strong financial/criminal/PR disincentives, and it's on him to back up that they happen to any meaningful degree. But if the incentives against racism in those cases aren't good enough, let's have that discussion. 5) Some of the other things, like issues surrounding the justice system, are issues that either derive from past racism or need to be tackled head-on to ferret out whatever racism might still remain, but reparations won't do a darn thing to fix those problems and would in all likelihood make them worse. 6) Economic disparity as a result of past racism is bad, but reparations won't fix that either and will in all likelihood make it worse. The way to fix it is by looking at what has worked to help others, identifying direct causes and not shying away from them, and to stop blaming a nefarious Other and get on with the actual work of making changes in poor minority communities--and by extension, that means no longer paying heed to the professional victim mongers. |
FKI wrote:
The slavery committed in America is not of the same scale as "slavery" in the East. The latter didn't involve the harsh, degrading treatment of the subject as the former did The Muslims castrated their slaves. Yeah no, slavery in the Americas is TAME compared to the east. |
And just to be clear, my argument isn't that racism doesn't exist. Everyone with half a brain knows there are racist people. My argument is that it isn't enough to hold people back right now. I don't buy the whole "widespread systemic racism" nonsense. Perhaps back in the 60s when you could get arrested just for standing in the street saying a prayer, you could use that excuse, but in 2017, I'm simply not buying it. My grandfather succeeded in becoming a business owner in a time far racist than what we see today - there's no doubt in my mind he was at some point attacked and discriminated against and I'm certain there are very few if any black men who are facing the amount of obstacles he had to overcome to make it as far as he did.
The issue is that we've become accustomed to blaming white people for everything. We've gotten to the point where if we go to the local pharmacy and the cashier behaves in a racist manner, we're like "yup, see, here's proof of systemic racism, this lady won't even gimme my change, this is exactly why I can't get ahead, people like this." We use our brown skin as an excuse for why we have nothing and will never have anything and sit around every month waiting for our food stamps and child support payments to arrive ( because the father is typically never around ). To make matters worse, anyone who climbs out of this mindset and situation and then looks back at the other blacks and says "hey guys, look - it actually IS possible! I'm an example! we CAN succeed in America!", the rest of the blacks who are still in a rut respond with "SHUT UP YOU UNCLE TOM! JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT OFF YOUR ASS AND WORKED, DOESN'T MEAN I CAN GET OFF MY ASS AND WORK! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR COMMON SENSE SUGGESTIONS, ALLOW ME TO REMAIN IN MY IGNORANCE!" At the end of the day, we all face obstacles, especially people who start off with nothing. This is regardless of race. My point is, things aren't really comparable anymore to the type of things my grandfather went through. In addition to this, we have this amazing thing called the "internet" which changed everything - now, anyone with a computer ( you know, those things my Mom via her business and donations provided to several black families in Detroit ) and internet service can just Google "how do I do x" and there's an infinite amount of resources at your finger tips to teach yourself skills that you can profit from. Wanna be a blogger? There's free tutorials for that. Wanna learn Photoshop or Sony Vegas? Free tutorials for that. Wanna grow your wealth via stock trading and investments? Free tutorials for that as well. Everything is there and it's all free. If you can use your computer to watch cat videos, you can use your computer to learn a skill. Stop being an idiot and start being resourceful. My Mom had no college education - that was an obstacle. She found a way around it. It's called networking. She established connections with people in other departments while working in food service, which allowed her to slowly but surely climb the ladder and get jobs that normally required an Associate or Bachelor's degree. Trust me, when you want something bad enough, you will get it eventually. Doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. Successful people don't complain about everything holding them back, they focus on figuring out how to keep moving forward. I've never met a successful pessimist. My Mom looks at the glass half full. Even when she barely had anything, she appreciated what little she did have and never stopped believing she would eventually achieve more. My grandfather had to have been the same way. I'm choosing to follow their example. They didn't sit around bitching about how unfair life was or begging for handouts, they just went out and worked their asses off. They didn't resort to crime. They didn't drink themselves into a coma. They worked. Try it sometime. |
I haven't read half the arguments in this topic as they started getting too long, nonetheless.
As a black man in America and a black person on this planet I just find it annoying that there's prejudices placed on us not only by races other than our own, but our own as well. I hate that people help feed the narrative that blacks aren't capable or willing -- that blacks are more violent or more likely to commit a violent crime; that doesn't do anything to fix OUR financial position nor our neighborhoods. There is a selfishness in the black community that plagues us and that's what holds us back; that selfishness gives rise to despise for one another, crime against one another, etc. There is no collective shame for the condition of one's community; there is no collective guilt for the shortcomings of the generations post-slavery; there is no collective goal or plan for the future. Everyone is trying to make their own way and leave all else behind. Could you imagine if the crabs all shifted to one side of the bucket and tilted that same bucket that they believed imprisoned them instead of getting out one at a time or pulling one another back down? They don't even realize they balance out the bucket that imprisons them. The only concept the black community lacks is unity. We aren't more violent, more addicted to drugs nor less capable or willing to achieve than any other color of people. Just look at the black guy in that video about reparations, he's even described as privileged. Just look yourself in the mirror today and ask yourself: Do any of these stereotypes fit who I am? If your answer is no then why would you assume it fits the majority of people who look like you based on the statistics bureau you subscribe to. |
Soundz, I don't wanna hear all this shit about selfishness and problems in the black community. Ain't no problems in the black community. This is all because of what the white folk done did back in the 1600s. If you took the white mans out of America, blacks would all band together and there would be love, peace and harmony achieved overnight.
I hereby suggest that we build a boat to ship all the whites back to England and then make the whites pay for it. #MakeAmericaBlackAgain, #ThirdTermForObama, #FreeSouljaBoy. |
Jokes aside, the state of the Black community is largely the result of what happened in the past, whether that be slavery or keeping guns and drugs in select communities (which some have already pointed out). The lot have yet to make a recovery from such conditioning.
Those of us who have made it out of that conditioning surely didn't do it without assistance; we've been blessed enough to have one or multiple conduits in our lives to give spark to the spirit that allows us to take destiny into our own hands. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the Black community lack this sort of influence in their lives and never get anywhere, or realize things at such an old age that they'd consider it a hopeless endeavor to embrace change. |
Nope. It's not the white man's fault black kids are growing up without fathers. It's not the white man's job to give black people role models and parents that care about them. My mother had a father who was barely around and kicked her out immediately when she turned 18 ( my grandfather who owned the business is on my father's side ). He never had meaningful conversations with her or taught her about life. Same with her mother. She grew up feeling disconnected from her family and stayed up in her room reading books.
Even without a role model, she was determined to be a better parent than her parents were and not keep the same stupid ass cycle going and going. There's no reason every other black person isn't capable of doing the same. To suggest that blacks can't and won't get anywhere unless the white man swoops in to save the day is basically calling black people stupid. You're saying we're too retarded as a race to realize the error in our ways, correct them, and create a better future for our kids. This is exactly what the alt-right believes: that we are, on average, born into this world inferior in intelligence to whites and that we will always be dependent upon them no matter what. You can't have it both ways. You either believe blacks are capable of changing or that they are all so stupid that they have to have their hands held by the white man for as long as they exist. |
You didn't read what I said or misunderstood it entirely. No one said anything about not getting anywhere "unless the the white man swoops in to save the day" or even implied it.
Salute to your mom for turning a bad situation into something she can be proud of. Both my parents had much worse come-ups and managed turn nothing to something. The point I'm making is everyone is different. Our parents found something that put them on the right path -- for mine, similar to yours: to be better parents than theirs and provide better lives for their family. Interestingly enough though, they mention often how they would be some of the worst menaces to society had they not put their faith in something, because that's the path they were on prior. But again, no two people are the same. This drive and strong will our parents have is a rarity in people in general. Different people require different "sparks" that will push them toward positive change. (We even had a discussion about this on the Discord some time ago, and I recall you saying you aren't pushed to change unless faced with adversity that calls for it. This is sufficient reason for you, but may not be for the next man.) As a result, fortunately we were born into households that allowed us to blossom in mind and spirit and experience more of life than simply survival. This isn't the case for the vast majority of my people, but your response to that is everyone should have the desire to do better regardless of their situation. Sometimes one has to be learn what "better" is and acquire a willingness to change and pursue that "better" -- but one must first know what "better" is before it can be achieved. We've had the comfort of having access to "better" to develop our own sense of the word, others not so much if at all, so to expect them to strive for something they have no concept of is foolish to say the least. The majority lack a positive support system -- instead, their support system is called the block starting from as early as before their teen ages. That's where they get their support and encouragement -- but it's the wrong form of encouragement. Try telling them that and they would disagree and more often than not respond in anger. Why? They only know one side of life -- the harshness that is survival -- and as a result everything else is suppressed. They don't know love and happiness because they never had it. They don't know how to communicate and express themselves because there is no talking in the hood, the main form of communication is gunshots and putting hands on the next man. Express yourself any other way and you are considered a pussy, making survival for you that much harder. History definitely has its role in the condition of these neighborhoods and to think the effects of what happened would just disappear over night is playing yourself to say the least. But you seem to be basing your entire perspective on your parents and ignoring the effects history has had on the psychological development of these people simply because it doesn't match up with your experience (or lack thereof). Everyone is capable of greatness, but not everyone reaches that greatness the same way, let alone realizes their own capabilities. This is true for many people, not just Black folks. No two people react to a given event the exact same way, which is what you are implying. If that were the case, it would be as simple as all of us being over-achievers or the alternative, but even a blind person can see that isn't the case in the Black community or the world in general. I'm not disagreeing with all of your points, but merely pointing out there are documented external influences that have contributed to the state of Black society today. Yes, everyone needs some drive to want to help themselves, but my moms told me my G-ma had a saying: "It's easy to do bad, but hard to do good." This is why a positive support system is needed, especially living in the hood. Side-note: It's not the white man's fault black kids are growing up without fathers. I could easily bring up cases where the government (ran by primarily White people) dismantled the Black household and took away fathers in the form of death and incarceration, but that wasn't nearly part of my point. But I doubt you're going to read and digest my post for what it is -- may even put some more words in my mouth. So I'm probably going to leave this topic alone post-submission. |
Empire is a coon if he's actually black.
If you say "blacks enslaved blacks", all you hear is crickets.Majority of blacks who owned black slaves in america owned family members to protect them from going back into slavery... you cannot own another mans property or do anything to it. Nope. It's not the white man's fault black kids are growing up without fathers.Actually it is the white mans fault black kids are growing up with out fathers since they are the ones who locked up black fathers in their war against drugs... They also forced the black man out the home and replaced him with government assistance it was illegal for a black man to be in the home or that family would lose their assistance. It's not the white man's job to give black people role models and parents that care about them.I agree, its not the white mans job to give black people role models and parents to take care of them... But i ask, Why have they killed, incarcerated or targeted every black leader blacks have ever had ? Why are European Americans constantly telling blacks to be like MLK when it was a white man that killed MLK ? To suggest that blacks can't and won't get anywhere unless the white man swoops in to save the day is basically calling black people stupid. You're saying we're too retarded as a race to realize the error in our ways, correct them, and create a better future for our kids. This is exactly what the alt-right believes: that we are, on average, born into this world inferior in intelligence to whites and that we will always be dependent upon them no matter what.Thats exactly what our government that accepts the taxes of black civilians did... They created the white middle class while denying blacks those very same resources to build anything and when they did build a respectable community they destroyed it because some stick figure ugly white broad said she was rape, whistled at or attacked by black males. 8-successful-aspiring-black-communities-destroyed-white-neig hbors/ These are just a few examples of how whites created white Wealth giving them resources while denying blacks the same type of help. So why is it wrong for blacks to want help when Europeans had all the help(handouts) ever to succeed ? Their only requirement was making it to this stolen land. The alt-right are constantly talking about their superiority for 1 simple reason... if you keep telling yourself a lie then eventually everyone including yourself will believe it they want to turn America into a white nation when this has never been a white nation and was built on the backs of many slaves and immigrants which means with out Our ancestors(Blacks, natives, mexican and some asians) america would not be the powerhouse it is today. They are genetically inferior and fear genetic annihilation that alone speaks volumes of them. You can't have it both ways. You either believe blacks are capable of changing or that they are all so stupid that they have to have their hands held by the white man for as long as they exist.When blacks were capable of doing things on their own Poor europeans came and destroyed it all so why haven't you taken that into account ? Blacks went from Slavery(were denied reparations and resources to even survive) straight into Jim crow, War on drugs, Feminist movement that dismantled the black family, Redlining and terrible school systems but you expect us to somehow overcome all those terrorist attacks(Thats exactly what they are terrorism) and somehow pick ourselves up from our bootstraps when no group in america has ever done that ALONE. Who ever said the Khazar Jewish people suffered worse than blacks in america need to reevaluate their life, that is far from correct... They were given Land that was not theirs, reparations and laws were created to help them regain independence from their struggle. If im being honest the holocaust was greatly over exaggerated. |
Southend_boi wrote:
Majority of blacks who owned black slaves in america owned family members to protect them from going back into slavery... you cannot own another mans property or do anything to it. Black men were the founders of the slave trade. The trade traveled North and East early on, but was later abolished for the most part in Europe for a long stretch of time. The first slave owner in colonial America was a black man: Anthony Johnson held John Casor(another black man) originally as an indentured servant in Virginia, and then forced him into slavery via multiple court hearings. It's also exceptionally easy to find via a few searches( ; ) that well over a hundred black slave owners in America owned people who were not family and exploited their slaves for economic gain. The Moyer family is probably the most well-known family of slave-owners, with them holding around 500 slaves on the Isle of Canes at one point. Of course, their descendants have tried to change history in their writings, but the majority of those writings directly contradict contemporary records. Another thing to note is that less than 300,000 people were slave owners in America at any one time. That includes both white and black slave owners. There were almost 13,000,000 people in America at the time that it reached that number(around 1850), and it steadily declined after that point. That's less than 2.5%. Less than 5% of Americans owned slaves throughout the entirety of American history. Actually it is the white mans fault black kids are growing up with out fathers since they are the ones who locked up black fathers in their war against drugs... This was addressed already in this topic - yes, there are issues with the war on drugs. It was very likely originally started as a way to target certain groups(and it wasn't just racially motivated). They also forced the black man out the home and replaced him with government assistance it was illegal for a black man to be in the home or that family would lose their assistance. Government welfare programs were originally started to aid white men, as part of the New Deal. The current 'welfare standard' in the black community was started in California, primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. It originated in the Social Welfare programs of UCLA and Berkeley college, but spread very quickly throughout the black community, who pushed for expansions to the welfare program. This led to large migrations to California, and in turn has required the state to constantly update its welfare and social benefit policies over time. The problem has since spread outward, unfortunately following trails created primarily by drug usage(heroin is the majority here, and meth is second). Something else you'll probably want to note: Most of the political position supported by the black community want to expand upon welfare programs. The ideas that have the highest likelihood of actually producing benefits are simply infeasible - the economy isn't capable of supporting them - for instance, a standard basic income without a form of offset(i.e., production of goods for exchange). Why have they killed, incarcerated or targeted every black leader blacks have ever had ? Why are European Americans constantly telling blacks to be like MLK when it was a white man that killed MLK ? This has no logical foundation applying to the current era that I can see. Please provide more background information or some form of citation. Thats exactly what our government that accepts the taxes of black civilians did... They created the white middle class while denying blacks those very same resources to build anything and when they did build a respectable community they destroyed it because some stick figure ugly white broad said she was rape, whistled at or attacked by black males. Again, there is no supplied foundation upon which this assertion rests. There have been many attempts to remedy the situation of the black community, and while it is partially caused by past actions of a white-led government, the majority of the problem is due to the mindset of the black community. The problem exists amongst certain populations of other ethnicities, as well - populations that have the same mindset. 'Ghettos' exist amongst each ethnic group. Hispanics have begun to outnumber blacks in that regard - and stating that's caused by prejudice is ignoring the fact that they live in the same conditions in most other countries. I'm not certain your point in posting this. The only topics I can see that you might have available from this article have already been addressed in this thread. Yes, this has occurred over time, and in many occasions. Yes, it is wrong. Those people are more than capable of issuing lawsuits(and have done so) in most of those cases. For the most part, this issue is limited in scope and doesn't occur as often as the writing in the article suggests.You might want to read the citations in a Wikipedia article before posting it. index.php?title=Redlining&action=history You might also want to read the talk page and skim over the history page - remember, multiple points of view tend to paint a more accurate picture than one. 8-successful-aspiring-black-communities-destroyed-white-neig hbors/ These are all historical events. While horrible events, they have no major bearing on contemporary events. Please provide evidence to the contrary, if you have it. This has already been addressed earlier in the topic, as well. They are genetically inferior and fear genetic annihilation that alone speaks volumes of them. I don't understand this statement. Please elaborate. When blacks were capable of doing things on their own Poor europeans came and destroyed it all so why haven't you taken that into account ? It has been taken into account in this thread. Those actions were a hundred years ago or more. Poverty amongst black communities has already been steadily declining via their own action. Feminist movement that dismantled the black family[nuclear family] - the feminist movement did not only have an effect on black families, but on families as a whole. Are you saying that you believe women should go back to being homemakers? RedliningAlready covered this, above. terrible school systems This is a fault of the current standard of living in black communities. School systems have been improving in quality over time. no group in america has ever done that ALONE. And this is just plain incorrect. Immigration_to_the_United_States Two non-black groups who have succeeded primarily via their own means: Black American ethnicities who have succeeded via their own means: Who are primarily composed of: If im being honest the holocaust was greatly over exaggerated. May I ask why you believe this? Also, you may want to read this. It explains quite a lot about current causes of poverty in America and provides plenty of citations for further research: combating-poverty-understanding-new-challenges-for-families/ If you have any difficulty in researching any topic yourself, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to point you toward the resources you may need. And finally, I suggest you read some of the Sequences here: They'll hopefully be able to teach you how to construct a rational argument. |
I thought about doing what you just did, Medicator, but this quote:
They are genetically inferior and fear genetic annihilation that alone speaks volumes of them. Was about the point where I decided Southend's points were too far gone to address. Calling anyone genetically inferior while simultaneously arguing against racism smacks of a sort of dedication to illogic. |
Funny you mention the government dismantling black households. My father had a father growing up. My mother had a father growing up. I had a father growing up. I wonder why... oh, perhaps it was because my father and grandfathers worked instead of committing crimes. Maybe that's why our families were not dismantled. Because we did what the fuck we were supposed to do and acted like humans instead of savages. Crazy, right? I know. Go spend a week in Detroit and observe how people behave - I guarantee you it will rid you of any confusion as to why most of them are either locked up, have been locked up, or are going to be locked up in the near future. Maybe once you get car jacked and have to take a Greyhound back to whatever state you came from, you'll start to get the picture.
Even my father, who is disabled, NEVER TURNED TO SELLING DRUGS. He had to have multiple surgeries done on his back which actually ruined his spine even more. Doctor told him he couldn't work a job where he had to lift anything over like 15 or 30 lbs. You know what he did after that? He got a job anyway. He started off in construction, had the surgery, then got a job at a hospital and later as a cab driver. He didn't join the Crip gang and start selling dope on the corner. He didn't start doing drive-by shootings killing children playing in their front yard. He didn't start pimping young women and underage girls. He got a job, like which part of this is difficult for people to understand nowadays? It's like "I'm in a bad situation, therefore I am justified in killing, stealing, and essentially just becoming a complete animal." No, you're not, and when you're locked up as a result, it's not the white man's fault. You had two choices - do what you know is right, or do what you know is wrong. When you choose the latter just because you think it's fast and ez money then get punished for it, nope, not the white man's fault. Take responsibility for your own actions. You can continue to point fingers at the government and police and the 1600s and whatever else you want, it doesn't work anymore. It's 2017. The handouts are there. The resources are there. The rights are there. If you still aren't succeeding by now as a black person, it is your own fault. No matter what advancements and progress we make, we will continue to shout "WE NEED MOAR" and it's pathetic. This is why the alt-right doesn't like us, because whites could double the amount of shit they give to blacks and we'd still be complaining about how it's not enough yet. We'd still be slaughtering each other in Chicago. We'd still be dropping out of school. We'd still be spending our money on paint jobs for our cars and gold grills in our mouth. There's not going to be a massive improvement in the black community until a massive amount of blacks want that improvement to happen badly enough that they get off their asses and make it happen. Thousands upon thousands of blacks nationwide protest a white cop killing a black man. In Chicago, a crowd of about 100 people protest the utterly insane amount of black on black killings, and I'm supposed to sit here and believe the main problem is what racist whites did generations ago? No, this example demonstrates this issue perfectly - for every several thousand of us, only about 100 of us have a clue as to what needs to be done and whenever we voice that opinion, people like you come along with your enormous list of excuses saying "NUH UH, IT'S LARGELY BECUZ OF WUT DA WHITE FOLK IS DOIN." I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and tell those people they're poor because of their own bad decisions. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and say you're not a Democrat. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and suggest that people cooperate with police and abandon their "no snitch" culture, which as we've already concluded, contributes to that "dismantling" and "prison" issue you mention. I DARE you to go to a predominantly black neighborhood and tell them they are killing each other at far higher rates than cops are killing them. You will be exiled from the black community IMMEDIATELY. They will label what you're saying as "hate speech" and call you a Nazi. Hell, you might even get shot at. So how about we do this - since you love the blue pill so much, continue giving it to everyone. And maybe, just MAYBE after several more years of the same old bullshit when you come to the realization that you fed into the same mentality that is destroying the black community, you'll admit you had no idea what you were talking about and should've taken our advice. UNTIL THEN, SINCE NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THE BLACKS WITH COMMON SENSE, WE'LL JUST BE WATCHING FROM AFAR LIKE ![]() After all, to return back to the analogy Soundz presented, it's pretty hard to tip the bucket over when you can't even manage to convince the rest of the crabs it needs to be tipped over in the first place. The first step to escaping a prison is realizing you're in one. |
That's why I had to end it with the suggestion to read the Sequences, which are essentially a guide to developing rationality. That, and the
If im being honest the holocaust was greatly over exaggerated. ... There are so many people that honestly believe that, and it's really, really disappointing. |
Southend_boi wrote:
Empire is a coon if he's actually black. Plot twist: I'm a privileged cis white Christian male from a wealthy gated community in Calabasas. I was given the small, meager gift of $1 million for my 16th birthday ( thanks Pops ) and I've never worn the same pair of socks twice. During my spare time, I like to visit the golf course in my backyard and watch Faux News on my 110 inch curved 4K UHD TV. Patiently awaiting the day Fuhrer Trump makes America cracker again. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
A lot of shit MEANWHILE. . . You've yet to reply to FKI's rebuttal, nor my own. Y'know, the point of a debate is to hear and actually address opposing views. Not just post the same message worded different, then ignore very valid responses, lol. ^ That's essentially you. |
You had two choices - do what you know is right, or do what you know is wrong. When you choose the latter just because you think it's fast and ez money then get punished for it, nope, not the white man's fault. . . . MFW when it's been shown that the entire 'war' of drug has racial motivations, lol. This thing is as dumb as the prohibition of liquor. When you criminalize things people often used in their daily life, crime will jump start. And when it's a crime, it'll lead to violence and fast money. The fact that they get punished for many of the drugs is the white man fault PERIOD. He didn't start pimping young women and underage girls. He got a job, like which part of this is difficult for people to understand nowadays? It's like "I'm in a bad situation, therefore I am justified in killing, stealing, and essentially just becoming a complete animal." Note. I don't condone any of this. But uh. . 'Hey, my daddy overcame adversity by working hard! You can too!' Have you ever heard of the Nature vs Nurture argument? Not everyone is the same, and people are often shaped by their environment. It's not an excuse, but it is a valid reasoning. Some are more suceptible to their environment's influence than others. Long story short, no one person is the same. Lol, you talk about 'opportunities' and shit. When you clearly grew up in a nice family. What gives you the right to speak as if everyone would have the same opportunities as you? What happens when the person living in such poor conditions can't find a job? What happens when you're in desperate need of money, but you're not sure if the job interview will even get you a phone call back? Have u lost your mind? Pardon language. But you're a fucking idiot if you don't think there are often valid reasons to go into illegal practices in order to get by. Sure, there are people who just want that fast money, but it's ignorance to say that's the only reason. |
Yeah, I was never referring to reparations, only the "blacks enslaved blacks" comment.
I don't personally care for reparations though so continue on.