Housecleaning time for data...
First off, I created a hub entry for Last Robot Standing, primarily so people could add it to their watch list, as we're hosting it more often now to work on all the final polishing details.
Second off, while doing that I went ahead and added a preliminary forum/Members list icon for the DDT account, using Elation's version of the LRS robot. Elation's icon is excellent, but this isn't ideal cause to get it in under the 6k size limit (that some idiot imposed) I had to mangle it. But I figure this will inspire Guy to get the official one in place...he's been planning on using Lwen, which would be excellent (or a clean version of the robot would be good...but Lwen is kind of a hallmark for us).
Third off, one of the best things about working with Guy is how he'll just keep iterating on something until it's right. And it seems like, after several experiments, the connection arrows, power supplies, and bases are now perfect. There was a bit of comment about the power supplies looking like caterpillars, but I like em, and they fit perfectly into the bases.
Also, Guy did an excellent new debris icon for destroyed walls that really helps turn the map into a scene of devastation by the end of a game. The Superheated Wall debris is also great -- a pile of lava-like slag -- but people tend to think they can't step over it, so we'll work to de-emphasize that a bit!
Fourth off, I'm extremely happy that there has been demand for LRS. We've worked hard on it, and people seem to universally like and have fun with the game. This has led to some people demanding that it be published now so they can play more often...but while the gameplay is simple and fun, the nature of this game is rather complicated to implement. The way all the cards/moves/etc can interact with each other. There's lots of factors to get right, lots of UI to get right, lots of aspects to polish.
We want to get it out so people can play and enjoy it and so we can start into our next project (probably Sand), but it'll take a bit to be in the state we want, which is that of a polished gem. Here's my personal list of stuff to do right now (not counting Guy's list and Gazoot's upcoming music work):
- Drain Battery available when Teleport stopping moves.
- Wall markers on same tile trigger Pick Up Object.
- Make current turn selector higher level.
- Make tile marker icon higher level.
- Evil Twin, then Wormhole were played in same turn by same player.
- Attacks on tile with multiple robots need to give choice of robot.
- Make sure Wipe Memory can't work on hidden modules.
- Self-destruct should use robot name, not players (in case player changed).
- Don't force host to play.
- Allow players to drop out/trade w/observers.
- Size of control module.
- Increase time of X's Turn on display?
- Add dmg when pushed against barrier (Project Beam/Hydrated Air)
- Get their modules when you kill a robot.
- Discard too many modules.
- Raise layer of projectiles.
- Wall/item damage.
- Module name in text should be a link to the card info.
- Create help text.
- Create module text system.
- Rationalize card frequency.
- Use 'pop' sound for teleport/displace atoms/short jump.
- Admin panel formatting.
- Debris stack so debris not removed if new border placed.
- General active tutorial features (show info in browser?)
- Join option should go away if already joined game/no room.
- No 'show modules' command for observers.
- Improve Boost/Infuse UI.
- Improve Recycle UI.
- Determine whether meteors should take damage defense into account.
- Add host option for allowed-players-only game.
- Add host option for allowed-channels-only game.
- Cause damage on self-destruct...need module to enable?
There are many more modules than this to implement someday, but these are ones recently suggested...
System Restore
Reset power, remove effects, remove modules. (Yota)
Defense that triggers auto-attack. (Jon88)
Heat Wall
Turn existing wall into superheated wall. (Yota)
Borg Wall unit thingie
Recover power, lose turn.
Stops permanent effects from being added. (Yota)
Processor Upgrade
Fabricate 3 modules each turn. (Elation/Jon88)
+1 boost to any card that uses boosts. (Jon88)
Thanks again to everyone helping to playtest this, report bugs, suggest cards, and generally encourage us in all the work we're doing. It's greatly appreciated, and I'm very hopeful this will be a popular game on BYOND.
Jul 17 2005, 5:43 pm
Arg, I missed it, went to a diner with parents
- Cause damage on self-destruct...need module to enable? Yes, it should need a module. You don't want to zap someone and get a faceful of metal- BUT, it'd be a great last, spiteful/cheeky blow to your killer. "Darn you!" |
i know this isnt related to the comment but today i made a vow to become worlds best martial artist it burns me up how these street thugs can and prditers can get away w suych things and yet ur helpless to to anything about it
they fit perfectly into the bases The funny thing is, I never tried them together and had no idea this was the case until I saw it in your email and in play. (Which didn't stop me from using it as a defense against the caterpillar critique!) |
Wow this game is ranked high and I've never seen or heard of it but sounds fun. When will it be hosted, I want to play.