(See the best response by Nadrew.)
DB_SERVER = "localhost" // This is the location of your MySQL server (localhost is USUALLY fine)
DB_PORT = 3306 // This is the port your MySQL server is running on (3306 is the default)

_db_con // This variable contains a reference to the actual database connection.
dbi // This variable is a string containing the DBI MySQL requires.
user // This variable contains the username data.
password // This variable contains the password data.
default_cursor // This contains the default database cursor data.
server = DB_SERVER // "localhost"
port = DB_PORT // 3306

Problem description:
I am trying to implement the use of a MySQL database into a game, i am aware i need the proper .lib file and files(,,

however when i compile i get the error: db\ expected expression

This is the code that is straight out of the database file and the line in question is the one with password

I have been working in a test game/project for quick compile times and i am able to run and compile just fine, but once i try and insert into the main game, is when i get this error. I am at a loss for words when it comes to this, i have looked and checked everything, but to no avail i have not been able to find the reason for this compile error.
Best response
Are you including the file as a library from the lib folder in Dream Maker, or are you physically copy/pasting the files from the library into your project? Don't do the second thing, it's not going to end well.

As for your error, nothing in that code would indicate an error, meaning it's probably being trigger by something else in your code.
ohhh i see, silly mistake, i don't know how i missed this, it was being defined in another completely unrelated file, for another system. Just a slight typo with syntax. password vs Password.

Thank you! i cannot believe i missed this.