Thanks to GhostAnime. Thanks man.

On to other things.

So I was gone for like, I dunno, 2 months or so. When I come back the Unpublished Games section of BYOND is FILLED with Naruto games.

*Raises WTF Flag*

How can you remember such a long name? o_o
Welcome to BYOND Members. Advice:

Don't talk about politics, dead people, and/or Nadrew.
Flocci Nauci!

Basik wrote:
How can you remember such a long name? o_o
Welcome to BYOND Members. Advice:

Don't talk about politics, dead people, and/or Nadrew.

Oh it's easy after a few days of typing it lol. Plus I have it on remember anyways, but just in case, I decided to memorize it.

Don't gotta worry about politics though, I hate politics >_>. And as far as dead people goes, define which dead people, such as famous dead people, or dead people related to me, etc..? lol
Welcome to the darkside Eric.
Floccinaucinihilipilification wrote:
And as far as dead people goes, define which dead people, such as famous dead people, or dead people related to me, etc..? lol

People are whores and will type out "LOL PPL DIE EVRY DAY SO U SHULDNT CAr ROFL".
SSJ! lol

Long time no talk man, what's up?

Oh, well I guess there's just a few assholes out there then? lol
Nothing. Just work and stuff for now. Then January, I start school.

What about you?
there is no need to give stupid advice like that, basik. =(
Finally? You joined BYOND under a month ago <_<

Oh, and you have a long name.

And all political-ness causes war.
Uhh Eric's been here since 02. Different key >_>
Oh you know pretty much the same as you only + school.

But yeah Ryokashi I've been here since '02 under the key SSJ3Brolly as well as various others, but that was my main key for a while.
Yes, praise me :D
Eric likes to get stabbed in the eye by me :)
Hey Kid. I know you. :-)
we need a new WTF flag.